Hi, Im currently putting an avi concert through tmpgenc to make SVCDs. There are two files and both are roughly the same. The audio was VBR so i put so i saved it as a wav with virtualdub and the concert as a silent avi and dragged them into tmpg. The second disc has no audio synch problems, but the first does. The audio gets progressively out of place so could this be because of bad frames or something? Sorry im not exactly an expert on this stuff, and its just what im guessing its come down to after reading many audio synch problem posts. What programs could i use to check / fix the problem? Thanks
Sometimes when useing Virtual-Dub to extract the audio to Wav will Still cause Sync Problems when the audio is VBR Mp3...What I use that works 100% all the Time is "Decompress.exe"...It will Convert your AVI with Compressed audio to an AVI with Uncompressed audio and then you just encode that file in Tmpgenc...And make sure you are encodeing the AVI to Mpeg useing the Same Framerate as the AVI, because Tmpgenc doesn"t Properly Convert Frame rates so you can get sync Problems when doing this....Good Luck PS: if you can Not Find "Decompress.exe" then PM Me with your E-mail address and I will send it to you....
Thanks! I completely forgot about that program, i had the problem last time and used it so searched for it and found it on my computer. Problem sorted...thanks again.