I have an old hunk of computer sitting at home. It has an AMD 400mhz processor, 180 (or so) mb of ram and about a 7 gig HD. What linux distro would be recommended for such a system and why? input is greatly appreciated!
i would use dam small linux(dsl) http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/ this is a very lite distro. 50mb and uses very little ra. i think it would run fine on that computer
Damnsmall is a great little distro apart from one glaring problem.. It's old. The applications are from the old-stable repositories.. in fact they are probably from the historic archives now and a lot may well be discontinued. Personally if you want an installed os on an old machine I'd be tempted to go for feather.. but it's a pain to install.. Hmmmm.. it's really not as cut and dried as you would think. Choose carefully, as a wrong choice now could leave you struggling in an unfamiliar environment with little help. Not a nice experience.. Take a good look here http://www.linux.com/article.pl?sid=06/02/13/1854251 And then ask auslander or Ripper where to find me if you need any more specific help.. Bye all.. I'm just waiting for the system to kick me..