I haven't posted in a while but I just went to to isohunt.com and it was shutdown. It was an American ran site and I support them. www.isohunt.com
Not that strange really.. torrent sites tend to come and go. I didn't like the place, I always got the feeling somebody was watching me there, logging everything I clicked on. Sometimes a strange redirect, other times a flash of "not found" and then connect... A rather personal and just a skin crawling thing, but I do tend to go with feelings.
It's not gone. Their ISP pulled the plug on their connection, and once they are reconnected they should be back up.. http://www.isohunt.com/
They are not for sure if they will get their "DATA" back. But they will not ever be back up to the way it was.
that's not good if they move to Canada it's gonna bring too much attention and what will happen is the government will tighten up the law regarding filesharing like it was supposed to happen when Martin was our PM .... not good news