Another Useful VHS Copy Protection Software

Discussion in 'Video capturing from analog sources' started by ted535, Sep 6, 2005.

  1. ted535

    ted535 Member

    May 6, 2005
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    Have you tried uLead DVD Movie Factory 3 Disc Creator for inputting VHS videos? It seems to ignore Copy Protection and you end up with an MPEG file which you can work with afterwards. I then use WinDVD Creator 2 to create DVDs from the previously created MPEG and so far no problems.
    Once you've brought up the programme, click on Create Video Disc, selct DVD, click on Add Media, click on the Video Device icon, wait for your video capture card to come up and click on Captive Video icon. Works a treat!
  2. Minion

    Minion Senior member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    I don"t know how many Times I have to say this But Software can not defeat Macrovision when Captureing...Macrovision is a Purely analogue Copy Protection...

    If you Can capture Copy Protected VHS tapes it is More Likely because your Capture device doesn"t have Macrovision Detection of which there are Quite a Few Different devices that do this Like all ADS Capture Devices and some Hauppaggue devices and many more.....

    If a Simple Piece of Software could Remove the Macrovision on an analogue Video signal even when the Capture device detects the macrovision then there wouldn"t be this Huge market for Video stabilizers and Macrovision Removers......
  3. permatex

    permatex Regular member

    May 4, 2003
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    i agree with minion-for a lomg time manifacturers of capture cards were catering to the movie industry and incorperating macrovision detection to their capture cards,now they are slowly removing this detection on some capture cards.those capture cards that are not program to detect macrovision act like a vedio stabilizer.
  4. ted535

    ted535 Member

    May 6, 2005
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    Thanks for your replies Minion and Permatex, but I find myself confused. I have a video which will not work with WinDVD Creator 2 because it is 'protected' and the programme tells me so. Using the ulead DVD Movie Factory 3 programme, no such problem occurs.
    Perhaps there is more than one method which is used to protect videos? Anyway, I no longer have problems converting these videos to DVD and I just thought I'd add my two pennyworth of comments in the hope that I might help some poor soul out there!
  5. rebootjim

    rebootjim Active member

    May 13, 2004
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    I suspect a problem with your software, if it won't process a file because of "protection", yet other software processes it with no trouble.
    Either your capture device defeats it (macrovision) or it doesn't. The software has nothing to do with it.
  6. btz

    btz Member

    Oct 20, 2005
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    VHS capture from Macrovision protected tapes DOES depend on the software.

    Macrovision detection is a known "feature" in InterVideo WinDVD Creator. Anyone can verify this by testing video capture with an alternative capture application.

    For example, the NorthQ NQ-6600 video converter comes bundled with two alternative capture applications. They are relatively simple front-ends using the Windows AviCap API. The FAQ in NorthQ User's Guide says:

    NQ6600 only supports Macrovision movies, while WinDVD unfortunately rejects most others. If this happens, please use the program bundled to the converter. This is called WisAVIVapture, which will be placed on the desktop after installation.
    Some users have also experienced problems with old homevideo, but no problems with later videos, seems like InterVideo thinks the aging on the film looks like copyprotection.

    Based on the experience of capturing some 200+ VHS-tapes, I can verify the above mentioned. If the tape has Macrovision, use other software than WinDVD Creator. Suitable applications are widely available. Alternatively, if you know some programming and AviCap API, you can write your own capture application with a few lines of code.

    In principal it would be interesting to know whether WinDVD Creator detects Macrovision from an information send by the capture device (i.e., "Macrovision bit set high", or if it analyzes the video stream by some algorithm (i.e., detects Macrovision from the digitalized video signal data). I suspect the later. One might be tempted to write a patch for WinDVD Creator to disable the Macrovision "feature". To my knowledge, there is no registry/setting hack for this. Anyone knows better?


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