I have successfully put like 9 videos on my ipod converting all of them with videora. They all work perfectly but i have a few videos on my desktop that i have saved. When i try to convert them it immediately says transcode complete but when i try to add them to my itunes library it wont add them.
Does it say complete or does it go to 100%? A lot of people have issues with the status bar not being accurate at all. I have no idea what format Videora is capable of converting but are your videos on your desktop in an interesting format?
It actually says complete and all the file on the desktop say when i go to properties it says "Windows Media Audio/Video playlist" for the type of file. The statsus bar never even starts it just says transcode complete
maybe its cause its a playlist and not an actual file -.- the small size + fast completion could be because its a playlist... those are like 2 kb
But then why is it like an 11 minute video when its played on the computer. how owuld it be such a small file but yet a video that plays?