im looking for a free antivirus software to use. I have a trojan and some other wierd viurs on my computer. i only noticed this seeing that my computer is slowing down. it keeps telling me that i have new updates to install everyday. and my virtual memory is too low. alot i did a virus scan and it said that nothing is worng. but i used clamwin to double check and found the trojan and other virus that is on my computer. the last thing that i know is that it was detected in the system files but i cant remember which one. can anyone tell me what to do?
run clamwin again after reading the documents which came with it. Set it to delete suspects.. after confirmation, or it will take off all your keygens and stuff
Virtual memory is too low? How much RAM do you have on your computer? right click my computer, and click properties.
I will not recommend ClamWin as an antivirus. It doesn't deserve to be one. I'll recommend you get Antivir Free. This is free and will take out most trojans. Install it, and then do a scan. See how it goes. The warning which tells you that you have new updates to install everyday may be malware, or Windows Update. Your Virtual Memory may actually be too low. Try ending some programs. Best Regards