i've read some great stuff on these products most of them from last year post date so im a little late,but some of you relly seemed to know your stuff.anyways im ready 2 buy or get a program 2 burn my movies any movie so someone please tell me right now in the '07' whats good and simple or just simply the best that burn sony movies and dont have keep paying 4 it.whats the deal with dvd nextcopy newest ver. is it cool? i seen someone post something bout any dvd but i lost it on here. im new and i just want 2 burn good dvds. thx.
I will go with anydvd, it is the best decrypter there is but, instead of 1click or nextwhatever, i would go with clonedvd2. clonedvd2 and anydvd are just super.
The easiest and handles anything out is AnyDVD w/ CloneDVD. Hands down better than 1Click Pro and DVD NeXtCopy. Cheaper then those also - last I looked been awhile though. AnyDVD is a driver that runs in the background removing the copy protection. CloneDVD encodes, compress and burns to a DVD. You can also run AnyDVD in the background with programs like Shrink and Recode.
well i took some advice and got the free 21 day signup 4 any dvd but i have'nt been able 2 get nothing copied as of yet it keeps stoppin at round 56 percent any one knows what im doing wrong?i cant see the movie either whats up wit that?
well i think im doing what the program is telling me 2 do and im far from stupid but im just not getting it down and not able 2 get nothing started can someone hold my hand threw this if anyone is not 2 super busycause this is not right.it stops at round 50 somein' precent says press this button cause i cant press nothin else then it starts over.what the hell.anyone out there that can break it down 2 me like a 5th grader what im doing wrong..i really 2x thank ya'
2 all,this is my 2nd program that i used the 1st was dvd next,,and now this any dvd.on the next at least it seemed lik it was working being able 2 see the movie and everything but the trial took 2 long as far as waiting bout 2,3,4 hours 2 burn the one movie.i normaly buy the real movie cause my dvd collection is deep but wit this high gas and lack of room 4 my movies and people always wanting 2 use'em than F it up i just want 2 copy my n let them mess them up u feel me. but i still need help im what they must call a newbie 2 highest power.sorry
thx blinkie7,looks like the last link i hooked up wit other than yours just gave me any dvd but not the clone2 \. uthink u or any one has that link 4 clone 2.