Any DVD Player

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by eoghan, Mar 6, 2004.

  1. eoghan

    eoghan Member

    Dec 15, 2003
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    Is there a way of burning for any dvd players i.e not having problems wit reading + - r how do the manufactures do it?
  2. drchips

    drchips Active member

    Nov 29, 2003
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    1 - Good quality Burner with good compatability record (Pioneer or Plextor for example) - avoid "cheap, rebranded" drives: if it isn't a BIG, well-respected name, avoid it.

    2 - Quality media (avoid the cheap stuff like the plague)

    3 - DVD-R for best compatability (the "minus" standard has been around a lot longer, and more players are compatable with it), DVD+R has the potential for being of higher quality, but price-for-price there is no difference in quality.

    4 - If authoring your own films, ALWAYS use a closed GOP structure.

    4 - Ensure your DVD Structure is perfect BEFORE burning.

    5 - Include the AUDIO_TS folder on the burn (even though it is empty), some older (first generation, expensive) players work better with it on the disk.

    6 - Make sure your burning procedure is perfect (burning program set up correctly, no other processes running, nothing to interrupt data flow).

    7 - BURN SLOW, it improves reliability.

    8 - Always verify the burn immediately.

    9 - NEVER touch the disk's bottom surface.

    10 - Avoid labels whever possible, if you MUST label the disk, use "printable disks" with a CD-Printer.

    The manufacturers do it using a VERY EXPENSIVE pressing machine (even their disks are faulty sometimes).

    Have Fun.....

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