Well, I just beat the Jack of Blades!! I really think this is the best game I ever played. It's Awesome!! I can't believe the level of detail that went into the production of this fantastic work of art. Anyways, feel free to post any thoughts, stats, hints you may have!! Cheers, Weycraze oops, spelled Fable wrong in the header!!
Hey mate if you have completed the Game and are kinda like , " Well how can i really get my money's worth " you should ckeck out this site , As long as you are using the PC version or have a modded xbox you should consider modding it *_* http://fabletlcmod.com/forum/index.php?t=index& -Shoo
Holy $$$$, I got a reply!!! Thanks. No X-Box here, strictly PC gaming only!! Just want to hear people's thoughts on the game and if they thought it was as awesome as I did Nice forum though!
TRY http://forums.blasteroids.com/ its like a/d (u can use your afterdawn account) it specialises in games and stuff. Lethal