OK Folks here is the deal, I have about a half-billion mp3 files and I been trying to make M3U playlists and the editiors that I have been using aren't all that great. WM10 is ok to add a file here or there, but when you are trying to make a list compiling of hundreds of songs it is not the kindest of playlist editors. There are quite a few out there but really looking for on the enable drag and drop fuctions. I found one good one DioneSS, but for some reason it is not reconizing some of my mp3 files, so that is not going to work for me. Then I tried Simple Playlist Editor which is almost perfect except for one thing, you cant edit a playlist once you create it, which is kinda of dumb. So I ask all of aDers out there what playlist editor do you use and what are the features that makes it so good? Thanks!