hi, apologies in advance this is an absolutely newby post, ive had my xbox 3 hours and i seem to have bricked it already lol. Just bought an xbox off ebay, it has a modchip inside (when you get that green wobbly bit at the start it tells you its xecuter2). there is a little circuit board on the front of the xbox itself with a bright blue light and 4 little plastic (switches?). The xbox came with xbmp on it, i was advised to put xbmc on instead. got the ftp working after a while and started to follow these directions: http://www.xboxmediacenter.com/wiki/index.php?title=As_a_Dashboard "1. Find out what the dashboard on your Xbox is (usually evoxdash.xbe in C 2. Rename your current dashboard to an alternate bootable name. This will be used as a fallback if execution of the new shortcut fails. Consult the table below, or www.xbox-scene.com for details on your dash. 3. Download the XBMC Shortcut XBE and rename it to whatever the dash was named (usually evoxdash.xbe) 4. Upload the renamed ShortcutXBE (usually to evoxdash.xbe) to where the old dash was. ShortcutXBE is now effectively your dashboard(!) 5. Install XBMC to somewhere on E: or F: (for example, E:\Apps\XBMC) (Instructions on how to install XBMC can be found under Installing XBMC as an Application)" i renamed the old evoxdash.xbe to " evoxdash2.xbe" i copied all the xbmc filed to E:\Apps\XBMC as it says here. (it took 2 hrs to o, i dunno if this is normal) unfortunately then i just turned off my xbox by accident (not following "6. Create a file on your computer with the same name as your old boot dash, except with the extension .cfg (probably evoxdash.cfg) and put the path to the XBMC\default.xbe inside it (eg. E:\Apps\XBMC\default.xbe) 8. Upload the text file you just created to the same place you uploaded ShortcutXBE to in step 4. You should now have two files in your boot dash directory (usually c:\). These files will most likely be named evoxdash.xbe and evoxdash.cfg. The .xbe is the shortuct XBE you (probably) just downloaded, the .cfg is the text file containing a path to XBMC 9. Reboot" Now when i return it on it does the green blob thing and says xecuter2 but then doesnt do anything. Turning on my xbox with the switch( that makes the blue light go on) turned off i jsut get the red circle thign and a screen telling me my xbox is screwy. Is this fixable? a friend mentioned a bootdisk, another mentioned taking out the hd, and i also note that theres a serial (or paralell?) port out the back too. Any help gratefully needed/ thx in advance Rob