any idea pleas ?

Discussion in 'Audio' started by hijran, Feb 24, 2005.

  1. hijran

    hijran Member

    Feb 23, 2005
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    I posted a message regarding streambox_ripper and i have no idea why it doesn't work..It keep says uknown file format when i drag and drop *rm file..what changes should i bring or what i suppose to do that it work for me.?? I do have Realplayr but i try my best didn't get any result.
    Now I installed BoilsoftRM to MP3 Converter and its seems much easir but it didn't work either. When i try to add *rm file as sourse for converting it gives erorr messages that ( file_2 is maybe a playlist file not a vaild real media file ) CAN ANY ONE PLEAS HELP ME FOR EITHER SOFTWARES..?? PLEASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
  2. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

    You didnt read before downloading Streambox Ripper !!

    here's the notice they are giving you :-

    [bold]Previous versions of StreamBox Ripper (also known as Ra2Wav) converted RealAudio (.ra and .rm) files into WAV files. However, due to legal issues, Streambox Ripper no longer converts RealAudio or any RealMedia files.[/bold]

    Speaks for itself ~~ It does not handle the files you are feeding it.

    Edited for typo.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 24, 2005
  3. hijran

    hijran Member

    Feb 23, 2005
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    yes i read that message, but i download it still and now thanks for ur help..What about BoilSoft RM to MP3 Converter ..IT does convert ? i can see it much easir to do so..but i get error messge..any idea bout this pleasss ???
  4. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

    I just downloaded it -- got an RM file ! It worked flawlessly!

    If it's giving you that message... for file_2 -- what about when you do another one ? Have you tried ? can you play that file_2 in RealPlayer ?

    No one can help you without you giving details ; how big are those RM files are they DRM protected ?
  5. hijran

    hijran Member

    Feb 23, 2005
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    okk here : I right click on file which is real player file and can save..YES i can paly ( listen to ) in real player but when i try to conver i get the error this error message ( file.ram is maybe a playlist file, its not vaild media file ) even i changed the extenion to .rm still didn't work. The size of file is not much big ( size 55 byets ) (size on disk: 16.0 KB )..I don't know how u can save your real play file ? becauses in most cases we can't save. IS THAT POSSIBLE FOR YOU TO WRITE THE WAY OF SAVING..? I DID, BUT MAYBE I AM DOING WRONG..can u pleas help me..thanks in advance..
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2005
  6. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

    The program is telling you the truth -- this cannot be a RM file.. !That's an html shortcut to listen to a file !

    best you read some of the threads in here... that will give you the basics on handling RM files.. -- just do a search.. with the words Realplayer --- RM conversion --- so on.. you will get lots of info !

  7. hijran

    hijran Member

    Feb 23, 2005
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    WHEN I SAVE THE FILE ITS SAYS ( SAVE AS RealPlayer Presentation) I DON'T THINK SO I AM DOING WRONG..OR MAY BE I DO ? SO HOW I CAN SAVE THE FILE AS A RealPlayer FILE ?? ANY IDEA a site wher i try to save songs.. it plays on Real play and when i right click to save i can save..
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2005
  8. Veblin

    Veblin Active member

    Feb 27, 2003
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    StreamBox Ripper v2.009 does convert Real Audio and Real Media files.

    StreamBox VCR Suite v2.0

    StreamBox VCR Suite contains all the StreamBox related software needed to capture media streams on the Internet. It comes in a single installer package and doesn't need any further patching.

    StreamBox VCR Suite 2.0 contains:
    StreamBox VCR v1.0 beta 2
    StreamBox VCR v1.0 Beta 3.0
    StreamBox VCR v1.0 Beta 3.1
    StreamBox VCR v1.0 Beta 3.1 SMF
    StreamBox VCR v1.0 Beta 3.1 SMF+
    StreamBox VCR v1.0 Beta 3.1 SMF+turbo
    StreamBox Ripper v2.009
    RealAudio Renamer

    Additional information about using StreamBox Ripper v2.009 with RealPlayer10 versions.
    In addition StreamBox Ripper v2.009 will only work with Real Audio codecs up to version 9. It will not work with Real Audio 10 codecs.

    StreamBox VCR is a streaming media recorder(downloader) for Windows Media and Real Media streams.
    It is also a download manager for any http or ftp protocol downloads.

    StreamBox Ripper is a CD audio ripper and audio file converter. StreamBox Ripper converts RA, RM, MP3, WAV, CDA files to MP3, WAV, WMA files.

    You cannot just right click on the links of that site and Save Target As...
    That will just save a RAM redirector metafile. A type of playlist. That is not the actual Real Audio file. It is just a small text file with a .ram extension, that contains the actual stream address(s). You need to use a streaming media recorder like StreamBox VCR or other to record these stream files.

    The best and most information about streaming media recording at the link below. Start with the FAQ forum.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2005
  9. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest


    No qualm with that ! but it's [bold]StreamBox Ripper 2.011 [/bold] that's available now at the Streambox Web Site.

    You handle this thread now !

  10. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

    Removed cause of server hicups !

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 25, 2005

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