Does anyone know anything about this product? I think that it will allow you to play GBA games on your NDS(L). You see, I have an M3 DS Simply but at times want to play GBA games. The DS Simply doesn't support GBA games though. So I was looking for a product that would let be play GBA games. Was wondering if anyone could say if this product would do this or not.
I believe it will allow you to play GBA games since its a slot-2 device. Is the RAM on this of any actual use?
the 3-1 in designed to work with ezflash 5 [a slot-1 device]. recently, it has been able to work with other slot-1 devices [r4, simply] through software ran from said devices. it downloads data from slot-1 into it's 32MB of ram [primarily for gba usage]. the slot-1 itself is not running the game, it just stores the data for the game which is being ran from slot-2. the 3-1 also has rumble with 3 settings and can be used with [a patched version of] the ds browser rom as the ram expansion pack. it does not take external memory and can not work JUST by itself. basically, its an adapter for the ds that can do stuff and runs at about 22$US.
so your saying that if I were to buy this product I could be playing gba games on my ds, with the aid of my ds simply running some special software? Also what is the biggest gba game out there?You know, like in MB.
I believe the biggest game is Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, although I do not know the exact size of the game I do know it does not exceed 32MB. I will go check the filesize now. EDIT: Just checked (quicker than expected) and it is exactly 32MB.
So do you guys know what software I must run in order to make this product work for the ds simply or will it not work with non ez flash slot-1 solutions?
I know there is a homebrew program to use the EZ Flash 3-1 with the Simply but I am unsure what it is called. I also think the v1.04 firmwares have built in support for it, however I am not 100% about this.
[ BUY FROM... ] -U.S.A. shipping, based in U.S.A. -worldwide shipping, based in canada -worldwide shipping, based in U.S.A. -worldwide shipping, based in china -worldwide shipping, based in U.S.A. -worldwide shipping, based somewhere europe (heh) good thing i have that on hand.
@XbusterZ You might want to check what sites actually sell the item, i'm pretty sure Divineo don't, also they're not only based in China, they have UK and US sectors too. Good list for all round DS carts though.
curses, foiled again. how'd you find out they were based elsewhere [divineo]? and the post has been edited. thanks.
I use them very often, and as i'm in the UK my default choice is to check the Divineo UK site, however due to UK law the UK site has lots of things missing that the China site sells. (Plus much higher prices due to VAT etc.) I have since had proof that they are ran seperatly, but I cannot remember what it was now. Also being an affilate with them I also have three seperate accounts (US, UK and China) and they all get commission indpendent from each other. EDIT: Also check the top left of the Divineo pages, it shows where the packages are sent from. All the European sites have the items from the UK USA and Canada sites have the items from USA China site is from...well take a guess
which would you guys say is more reliable or also where would I find promotional codes for