Any real user guide for PE436A iPods?

Discussion in 'iPod discussion' started by wguru, Apr 6, 2006.

  1. wguru

    wguru Member

    Jan 27, 2006
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    In that users are only warned about ensuring the iPod is connected to the power adapter before plugging the power adapter into a power source, nowhere else in the user guide does it mention any other precautions in connecting the iPod to othr devices.

    As such, a cautious user would perhaps be well off in ensuring the iPod is never turned on before attaching connectors to the iPod (e.g.; towards connecting the power adaptor, docking bay or PC. No? Very careless of Apple to have overlooked such a rudementary precationary disclosure. Borders on wreckless, no?


    Perhaps somewhat off topic, but when I access the current iTunes toolbar "Help" and choose the "iPod help" link, the corresponding window that opens, has two links, and neither of them functions ("Open iPod nano Features Guide on my computer" and Open iPod User Guide on my computer"). Maybe I opted for the bare bones iTunes/iPod installs and that's why the links don't function? But I don't understand why neither link will allow a right click and save shortcut. What's up with that? Since the help window appears, it should at least have a default directory location for accessing these guides, no? Do these links work for anybody? And no I didn't see any error or warnings about the supposed download, nor is it either in any download folder on my pc or is it in any iTunes or iPod folders (not that I could have searched everywhere for the update file because Apple's download page fails to identify it so as to enable a search for it.


    My best to all and to all, hap-e-trails,

    Maybe again a bit off topic, but each time I open iTunes, I'm getting the update iPod window. I first chose to download it, but neither did my IE6 notify me of any downloads blocked, nor did the download window appear. What's up with that?
    Then noticing that the update website page (that the update popup led me to) had an option to choose which iPod I had (despite the update saying it was for all version of iPod's). So I even clicked my model and all that got me was 'buy me' speals. So what, Apple's server is so miniscule that users must repeatedly try to download the iPod update until eventually finding their server free enough to download?


    The user guide's PDF page 42 (actually page 38 of the user guide, grrr) says...

    Storing and Reading Notes and Other information -

    You can view and read text notes on iPod. iPod must be enabled as a hard disk(see page 35).

    Save a document in any word-processing applicatioon as a text (.txt) file.

    Place the file in the Notes folder on iPod.

    It is unclear how the user is supposed to "Place the file in the Notes folder on iPod".

    Worse yet, even the user guide's 'details' for "enabling iPod as a hard disk" neglects to mention anything towards defining how a user interfaces with the PC.
    Very inconsiderate. Borders on complacency and even neglect, no?


    The user guide's page 51 of the iPod PDF (actually page 47 of the user guide, grrr) says...

    Resetting iPod -

    Connect iPod to a power outlet using the iPod Power Adapter.

    Toggle the Hold switch on and off (set it to Hold, then turn it off again).

    Press and hold the Select and Menu buttons for at least 6 seconds, until the Apple logo appears.

    Again, no mention here of any precautions either to ensure the iPod is off or worse yet, that the user is to ensure the power adapter is first connected to the iPod before pluggin in the power adapter to a power source. Very inappropriate, inconsiderate and grossly complacent of Apple. No?

    Also, regarding this section's mention of toggling the Hold switch, as the user guide only mentions the Hold switch on the PDF's page 19, and therein explains that sliding the switch to the center, "disables the controls" and nowhere does the guide identify that the Hold switch "on" is the Hold position(disable Click Wheel control) and the Hold switch's "off" is the opposite of the off position. So instead of the PDF's page 51 saying "Toggle the Hold switch on and off (set it to Hold, then turn it off again)", why doesn't this guidance say 'toggle the Hold switch towards the center of the iPod and then back to the outside' (otherwise resulting in the Hold switch being positioned in the enable position and accordingly allowing for Click Wheel controlling which is necessary for the user to press and hold the two 'mentioned' Click Wheel buttons). No?

    Another annoying aspect of the PDF's page 51 is where it says "Press and hold the Select and Menu buttons". The guide should have added, "(upper and center buttons of the iPod's Click Wheel)" instead of forcing the inexperienced user to determine where the 'Select' button is.


    I won't go into the rest of the user guide's shortcomings, but how much effort would it take to provide the users with an adequate user guide? Not much, but then Apple clearly shows it didn't intend to provide a meaningful user guide.

    Typical of corporates reaping millions off of the initial sales while spending pennies on the inadequate user guide. Certainly this's there way to squeeze out a few more bucks not only by needlessly replacing damaged units, but also paving the way to their paid support lines.
  2. jazo123

    jazo123 Guest

    Welcome to our forums wguru.

    To answer you're first question, all iTunes are the same, unless they are diffferent versions. There is no "Bare-Boned" iTunes download, all of the functions should be functioning if it is working properly. Try uninstalling and reinstalling iTunes and see what you get.

    To answer you're second question, I'm not sure why this is, unless you are restoring you're iPod each time you plug it in, which I assume you aren't. Try restoring it once and see if this window stops coming up, and hopefully that'll work.

    Directed toward you're last query, I agree, they need to be [bold]much[/bold] more thorough with their instructions. I think that they should even have their own DVD to iPod converters (Apple Brand), that way we know to rely on that instead of third-party converters.

    Good luck with the iTunes problems, feel free to post back if what I posted doesn't work. ;-)
  3. DarkJello

    DarkJello Regular member

    Nov 28, 2005
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    I don't think he has any real problems he just wants to rant about Apple. And yes I agree their use guide could be a little more concise but take it easy. I've never had any problems with resetting my iPod when it is 'on' and my AC adapter is always plugged into my wall and has done no damage to my iPod. Most of the things you're complaining about are nitpicky nonsense things Apple includes to avoid liability. Just take a look at any other electronics manual and it will tell you not to do plenty of things that you probably do regularly.
  4. Domreis

    Domreis Regular member

    May 16, 2005
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    I bet we will never see him hear again!
  5. jazo123

    jazo123 Guest

    Yes, I agree with DarkJello, Apple should be more precise with some things but some of the things you posted are too harsh. THey can't cover [bold]everything[/bold], nor do they need to cover some of the things that you posted because they are unnesessary.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2006
  6. wguru

    wguru Member

    Jan 27, 2006
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    Hi again,

    Appreciate the advice, even the comments. More answers/advice appreciated.

    My post was/is intended to provide a source for others experiencing the same issues and hopefully accumulate strings 'better' explaining how to get notes into iPods, and as for bashing, I apologize for inflicting it on anyone.

    I don't see any responses yet to the issue of the iTunes toolbar's "iPod Help" links. Maybe my iTunes broke and nobody else has any probs with with either of the mentioned 'broken' links?

    I don't see any responses yet to the issue of the iPod update snafu. Maybe it's only happening to me?

    As for the obscure guidance on how to get notes into one's iPod, only after posting here I found this forum's post on this matter. There too I see that others have issues in not only figuring out how to do it, but even more issues in getting the iPod out of the hard drive mode.

    Regarding the matter of inadequate guidance in resetting the iPod, I'm still looking for an experienced user's comments as to whether or not my take on the issue of the hold switch being 'on/off', but it seems that as confusing as it is, that disabling the click wheel (as seems to be the consensus) would as indicated disable the click wheel and therefore users cannot hold select and menu?

  7. Domreis

    Domreis Regular member

    May 16, 2005
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    Ok you want to know how to put the Note (txt) file into the Notes folder ehh!

    OK I will explain this to the best of my ability!!!

    -Move your Curser onto the Start button
    -Right click
    -Move the curser to my computer
    -Right click


    -Left Click on your iPod in my Computer
    -Once you have opened your iPod Left Click on the Notes folder!
    -Locate your txt file from ‘My Documents’
    -Drag and Drop that file into the ‘Notes’ folder on your iPod

    And pleas don’t ramble on and on… we want to try to help as many users as possible not read a naval! All you hade to say was…

    “The iPod guide could explain how to put notes into the note folder a little clearer, how do I do?”

  8. Domreis

    Domreis Regular member

    May 16, 2005
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    Found this at Apples Site!

    What Apple is trying to tell you to do is put your iPod into hold Mode and then take it out of Hold Mode! Good for you; you realized that while the iPod is on hold that would disable the click wheel making pressing and holding Select and Menu pointless… (that is almost as pointless as the your post LOL) but you are also suppose to take the iPod out of hold before you proceed onto step to! Dose that make sense?

    (Sorry didn’t read all of your posts so maybe a little confusing compared to what you were asking!)

  9. jazo123

    jazo123 Guest


    If he needs to post that many words to explain what he needs, then he can. It's not any of our business, no rules are being broken.

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