I am looking for other people who think something corporate is a really good band. I was able to pick up their cd while interning at Universal and thought that it was amazing. What is your fav song by them? I like "space" but all of them are good.
I recieved the drive thru dvds from a friend named Richard who i belive is a co owner of the companys. Anyways they are great And great live. I love all there songs. They arent to known where i live infact not to many people know them at all. But i think if they stay on tour long enough more people will hear about them. Hey if you play music email me. IF NOT then thats ok keep on listening to Something Coperate. Others recomends. Sences Fail, Early November, Home Grown, Blink 182, Allister, Brand New and Taking Back Sunday. ok dude im out email me if you have that time imhandycapped18@yahoo.com