Is there a way? Because I have a older version of Powerdvd which plays them but sometimes it doesnt play new ones like the blu ray of 30 days of night. But if I update it, it wont play any at all because they took this feature out. Is there something else that will play them? And no windows media player classic and VLC are garbage when it comes to playing these type of files. so many errors.
I am not sure if I understand you correctly, does your dvd drive support blu ray? Have you played blu ray dvd's on this PC in the past? If you have never been able to play a Blu Ray on it, it sounds like a hardware problem and you don't have a dvd drive that supports this format. It would be like trying to get your an old tube tv to play HD just because you had an HD cable box. The solution for you is to buy a Drive that supports the format you would like to play.
cyberlink 7.3 will play them. It came with my drive. What software came with yours? If you want to play rips you will need a verion not newer than 7.3319.
vlc will play said files just make sure that you have the latest version, also what version of windows do you have?