I've looked around the net for a program or method to get the vocal part of a song eliminated or at least in the background far enough to be fairly "out" of the main sound. What I found is very complex and " maybe, maybe not" solutions, so I've been about to give up. Then I remembered the excellent advisers in this forum who know everything there is to know about CD, DVD recording and then some. I am referring to laying down my own vocal track to some popular songs and would love to have it sound more like ME doing the vocals. I've done this with MIDI's with Cakewalk or CoolEdit and it's fun. But it would be heaven to be able to record this way, like Karoke, and make a CD from it. So, if there is a neat method or program you guys would probably know. Or maybe it is just not worth the pain and effort to get a lousy sounding recording this way and I should just stick with MIDI. Either way, I will leave it to rest after this as I figure the input I get here will be the definitive solution or reason to devote my time heading in a different direction. Thanks for any ideas, hints, or just plain ol' "give it up's".
http://www.techtv.com/screensavers/downloadoftheday/story/0,24330,3533040,00.html http://www.analogx.com/contents/download/audio/vremover.htm http://www.mp3doctor.com.ar/karaoke.htm http://www.mtu.com/basics/vocal-eliminator.htm http://www.yogen.com/(543meiy50x2ivc55kkq1q3nm)/vocalremover/default.aspx
Well, I'll be darned!! Not that I'm surprised I got my answer here. I quick checked those links but will now look a little further into them. I'm surprised I missed the TechTV article. I love the channel and website. It looks as though I can do this after all. Thanks a million.