Hi, Just a VERY annoying and frustrating problem that I wonder if someone else has encountered. I've used older versions of AnyDVD and CloneDVD (Elaborate's) just fine. In fact everything always worked seamlessly. This past week though has been weird. My DVD's rip fine and burn fine, but WON'T PLAY IN A PLAYER! WMP9 and my dvd player don't recognize the DVD. I'm doing the same thing I've always done, apart from upgrading to AnyDVD3.8.1.3... As I say, the VOB files are copied over (and in CloneDVD's preview the video all works).. I've even just tried with DVD Decryptor and I get the same result. Any ideas here? Bad system dvd decoders/encoders??
I see you have tried Decrypter, have you tired using Shink with Decrypter yet? This works good for me and that should solve your problem. Just a thought, have you recently updated your firmware on your drive? Or changed the type of disk your burning with? because changing the media brand could be the problem.
Did you change DVD medium recently? That can make a difference. Considering that your configuration worked before, I would suspect the medium. Have you changed from - to +?. Or to -+ RW?. Think back, what else could you have done to your computer before it started to create coasters? I can't recall how many times I've tried to fix something that was not broke and rued what I had done. Bottom line, once you have a winning combination, stay with it. TC
Hi Rassilon , Welcome to our Campground, If everything is the same then I start to think about your Media - Media is credical when doing DVD burning. It's the thing that shows the difference in quality - Memorex is a good example as media goes, figures as high as 50% coasters have been reported (One member bought a stack of 50 and got 23 good burns.), not what I would call an impressive record. 4 different companies manufacture Memorex BTW and the quality varies widely as you might imagine. Easy to see now why the quality of a big-named company can't be trusted - "Who's making your Memorex tonight ?" 1. * Cheap media freezes, skips, stutters, pixelats, partially jams, may be rejected and lest we forget, our old standby, giving you the old just, refuses to be recognized routine :-( Besides "Freezing", "skips" and pixelations, many times you'll get a "Cyclic Redundancy error" or an "I/O error". This message can mean that your discs are scratched or dirty, it can also mean that your burner won't accept your "cheap" media :-( Another problem which "pops up" is a "*Power Calibration Error". This can stop you right in your tracks and most often is caused by, Yep, you guessed it, inexpensive media. *A "Power Calibration Error" can also be attributed to the Optical Components of a DVD Writer, though this isn't usually the case. Trying to shut down your software and ejecting your DVD then restarting your program and re-inserting the same media recently cleaned has been known to help. Inexpensive media or even average media is great for text, Data, Spreadsheets, .Jpg and .Gif pictures and is good even for MP3 music BUT for DVD backups - BLAaaaaaT! It SUCKTH in an extremely Big-th way ! 2. A good grade media is needed for DVD reproduction ! "Branded" Ritek G04's or Branded Verbatim are what we're looking for OR any media boasting "Advanced AZO Metal Dye", this indicates a superior dye application, while they are sometimes a bit "pricey" they are acceptable. Prices online from Meritline.com have gotten Ritek G04 down below a dollar a disc - Question - If you make coasters out of 3 cheap or even average discs and good copies from 3 Branded Verbatim discs or 3 "Branded" Ritek G04 discs - which ones then will you say are too expensive ? The 3 "Cheapo's with no movie backup OR, the 3 recommended discs with a perfect backup on each disc ? Bear in mind, Memorex, Fuji, Sony, TDK, Orange Pack and others are quite good for your MP3 music, picture archives, Spread sheets, Data and your text backups and archives, they just don't work well for DVD backups. Even DataSafe G04's made by Ritek have been reported as inferior quality and are evoking that "Oh no, I shouldn't have gotten those." Remember, for DVD backups, purchasing inexpensive media or even average media is a gamble, some people win, the majority of people lose, varying amounts but, they still lose :-( Let's try the right media for the job - just buy a 5 pack of what we recommend that will settle it once and for all - Don't cheat though, buy the EXACT media we recommended - Using good grade media can guarantee you one thing to an absolute certainty; it surely cannot hurt. cheers, Pete BTW, when I speak of "Cheap" or "Inexpensive" media, I'm not referring to the price you pay at the counter - I'm referring to the way the manufacturer’s cut the corners during the manufacture of the discs. And when I say “Branded” that means that when you pick up a disc in your hand, it says “Ritek” or “Verbatim” on the disc itself.
Hmm thanks everyone for the offered help. Yeah the only thing that's changed is: (a) Firmware upgrade on the LG burner (b) Media. After some other testing, and after reading more on this site (and your comments Pete), I'm tempted to blame my problems on the media. My first purchase of blank DVD's was some Verbatim ones, and I had no problems (as you say). However I had run out and bought some Memorex's which is when my problems began. I'll nip down and pick up some more Verbatim's and see if that is indeed the cause. Funny, I always thought Media was Media.. Thanks all, and sorry for causing everyone to type in a FAQ..
Rassilon, Think nothing of us expending our time to answere you. We have all been through the learning process. Welcome to the site. TC
Just an update on what was happening, as it may (or may not) help others. I tried buying SEVERAL different types of media (verbatim included) and got the same results. After creating a LOT of coasters, I finally discovered a combination that worked (even with my Memorex disks). I read in the source DVD with CloneDVD2 and AnyDVD running in the background. Then BEFORE I put in the blank to burn it, I shutdown AnyDVD. That small utility was somehow blocking a proper burn. Anyways, it all works now and I've suddenly got a lot of blanks to fill...
Yeah I don't understand it myself, as I haven't been able to find any corroborating posts anywhere else (about AnyDVD blocking the burn). It could've been something else I was fooling around with on the system, and just by coincidence it was at the same time I disabled AnyDVD. Anyways, whatever.
Just some input about the media. I tried some memorex blank media w/ less than 50% success rate. I switched to ritek g04 media and am yet to have any coasters. Oh and another point to consider, the memorex's cost me about $0.80 each on sale and I can buy the ritek's for a little over $0.50 everyday from meritline w/ free shiping. cool.
Rassilon, Here is a corraborating post. I'm surprised there haven't been others also. I started having problems with Anydvd also after the upgrade. I believe there is a bug in it. There is now a new upgrade It seems to be working again. I think that is why they had such a quick update immediately after just issuing one. Just a thought, if you didn't receive it in your email, just go to the site. It would be a shame to buy it and have to disable it to be able to burn Good luck....