hello guys, I'm a newbie and have copy my dvd a couple times with shrink?decrypter. I read in here about anydvd and decided to check out the free trial...I download it and insert a region 3 dvd (my drive region is set at region 1).......but anydvd cant bypass it....it said like this: WARNING FAILED TO READ DVD THIS COULD BE SEVERAL REASONS 1. DVD IS DIRTY 2. DVD IS DAMAGED 3.YOUR DRIVE IS A REGION LOCK RPC2DRIVE 4. YOURDRIVE IS AN RPC 2 THAT HAS NOT YET BEEN ASSGINED A REGION. I've clean the movie though it's not dirty in the first place but got the same result. and since it can be played smoothly in player, I dont think it's damaged. I dont understand about the third and fourth though I do know my dvd is rpc 2 and MATSHITA...can anybody please help me? by the way, the movie is hard candy (which is a greatttt movie), if it helps
You most likely have a badly pressed DVD. Suggest exchanging it for another one. Lastest Ver. of AnyDVD is You could also try updating to that version.
thx crab56, I try using dvd fab hd decrypter and it worked, the only problem is it cant copy to a single dvd (or can it???), whereas that's what I wanna do (buying DL isnt really in my checkbook), so I think it's off limits. Do anyone have other suggestions, or maybe a way to fix my anydvd problem? thx a lot.... btw bilbo65, what's a badly pressed dvd? sorry, I'm completely new in this
Get DVD Shrink - another freebie and use it to shrink the folder to size that will fit on regular DVD. Then I use Imgburn ( another freebie ) to burn the ISO file that shrink makes onto DVD. DVD FAb > DVD Shrink > Imgburn > perfect copy everytime
Badly pressed disc = manufacturing errors. These are becoming more and more common, unfortunately. Some rippers are better than others at surmounting these problems and it never hurts to have a number of choices in your "bag of tools". Glad you got it all sorted.
Hello guys, I tried dvd fab hd decrypter, and it works for bout 10 minutes and then it failed to read. Then it says if I want to enable path player to fix the problem which I click yes, and dvdfab hd scan my dvd again, but this time, it cant even read it (the first time it can read and copy for about 10 minutes and then stop) Anybody know what should I do? Or how to fix this? Thx u, much appreciated Note: this is only with region 3 & 2 dvd....I can copy region 1 perfectly...but of course, they say it dvdfab hd and anydvd can bypass any region right?? or is there something wrong with my computer?
I've tried dvdidle pro (trial)...same thing, can't bypass it...can't copy or watch because different region (my drive is region 1, the disc is region 3) I was thinking maybe it's the disc, so I change to a different movie (the proposition)....same thing... is it my computer? anybody have a suggestion or solution? just to be clear, I'm using NEC laptop...my free HD is bout 10 G...My drive is rpc 2 Matshita DVD Ram... Please help...Thank u very much