Yes, I am failry new to the DVD burning scene and have been experimenting a little. I started with DVDXCopy Platinum and have only been able to successfully back up DVD's twice to DVD-RW's. I have a back-up to a DVD-R, but I'll explain a little later. After doing some reading, I noticed that many were suggesting using AnyDVD with CloneDVD/Nero combo. So I gave it a try and have had what seems to be success, but with some strange results. For my DVD-RW's I can successfully play the movie on both my Lite On LDW-811S burner and Lite-On LTD-166S DVD-ROM. I know for a fact that my JVC home DVD player (XV-521) cannot read DVD-RW's (it is an older model) so I cannot test there. The DVD-RW's did successfully play in another home DVD player which was a Samsung. I backed up two different movies to DVD-R media (one Lite-On DVD-R which was included with the burner and one Memorex DVD-R). Both of these DVD's will play fine in my DVD burner, but will not read in my DVD-ROM drive nor my home DVD player. I can understand the possibilty that the XV-521 will not play DVD-R's even though other sites have said it should, but why would the DVD's not play in my ROM drive? I would really like this ability at least for testing purposes to make sure the disc was successful. I am hoping that I can resolve the home DVD player's issues without purchasing a new unit, however I would imagine that it is going to be the case. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Is Memorex an acceptible brand? I have had really great success with their CD's and that is why I chose them initially. I use WinXP Pro, the DVD's stated above, and have been through 321's blacklist.
Hi TopherXJ. I'm confused by your post. Nero is not needed when using AnyDVD and CloneDVD together. They work together with AnyDVD doing the decrypting while CloneDVD does the ripping and burning. Nero doesn't need to be used at all. This may be what is causing your problems. Nero is used with DVDshrink as the burning program. As to Memorex blank media, at present time, it is considered a brand NOT to use. They are buying from a company that produces poor quality media. Try some Ritek or Verbatim media. Here is a good place to check player/media compatibility. Good luck. Jerry
SORRY! It was DVDShrink that I was using in combination with Nero. Brain Fart. Anyway, for some reason it is difficult to find Verbatim media around here. I used to use them for CD's all the time. How are Maxell for DVD-R's?
Does anyone know where I can get a copy of anydvd?All the sites I have visited will not let me download.I do not know why!Thanks for any help.
I personally prefer to use DVD Decrypter to decrypt movies to the hard drive first if I'm going the Decrypter/Nero Recode2 or DVD Shrink route. AnyDVD has a tendency to lockup my computer and cause coasters on its own - only thing I can think of is my it's not liking my Promise IDE Controller. But at your request here is a download site for it that works: 21 Day Free Trial so you get a nice lengthy period to try it before deciding if you want to buy it.
Thanks for the link.I tried it and it still does not download.Why can I not download it from this site?I use Decrypter and dvdshrink with nero.Works perfectly except on region one dvd's.I have copied 12 dvd's with no problems until now.This one is the only one that has this written on it."no copying.subject to applicable laws.region 1"Thats why I want to try anydvd to see if it really works.Thanks again.
You could try getting Dvd423 off of this site I use it on all the discs Shrink won't open. It will open the disc for you and then you can still use shrink. Or you could try dvd region free that really works well too. _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Toshiba Satellite P4 HT 2.6 Ghz 1 Gb PC2700 DDR SDRAM NEC Nd-1300a External 0 to Burn in 22 Minutes One by one the penguins are stealing my sanity! <(C:}[/small]
flyers16, I checked the Slysoft download link above. Its still active and working. Something on your system must be blocking the download. Jerry
I solved my download problems.I use netscape 7 for my browsing.I loaded explorer and ta da.But once I am finished downloading I will go back to Netscape.I love it.Thanks for your help and incite and yes the links work.Now I have to find out why.I use dvddecrypter to the hdd then use dvdshrink to the burner.Is there an easier or better way?
Use Shrink first for most movies to rip, decrypt, and compress if necessary. Then in Shrink settings, set it to auto burn with either Nero or Decrypter.(Your Choice) Once set up properly, everything is done for you to get a proper burn. No guess work on where to put the files. Jerry
is there any advantage to using 'ANYDVD' with dvdxcopy platinum? i've made over 200 dvd's and have only found 1 that platinum won't copy. i always use memorex dvd+r..never had a problem. of course, not being able to backup your copies is a drag.
DVDShrink creates a backup of the dvd after decoding.I have not used anydvd yet.Hope this helps a little.
If you have the older FULL version of X copy Platinum with the ripper, running Anydvd with it isn't necessary unless Platinum says it can't decrypt it. Newer Versions of Platinum with RF in the title will need a program like Anydvd or DVD43 to decrypt the movie. Jerry
Several points of interest to convey. On the subject of media. The brands buy from different manufacturers. Ricoh was a good one that Memorex and some other companies used. In fact, I used Imation, Maxell, Memorex and Verbatim that were all manufactured by Ricoh. My last batch of Memorex were by a company with an inferior record. So buying by brand does not always insure getting the same disc. The free tool DVDIdentifier will tell who the manufacturer of a disc is. The free tool DVDInfoPro will give the manufacturer and much more info. I noticed some people talking about using Nero. What I didn't hear was mention of InCD. That part of Nero is known to cause problems with DVD recording software. If it is on your system, delete it, use Add Remove in the control panel. One should not have it on their system. It has even been known to interfere with DVDShrink. CloneDVD2 and any program without decryption programming benefit from a program like AnyDVD. With AnyDVD the Safe Mode setting has to be turned off in settings sometimes. Most programs will work with HD files ripped by a program such as DVD Decrypter. A word about DVD Decrypter and DVD Shrink. Decrypter is an excellent decryption tool. As a burner software it is severely lacking. In fact the DVD Shrink website states the use of DVD Decrypter is a backup method. With DVD Shrink the default burner is the Nero burning ROM. Nero gives a 30 day trial, long enough to see if a person wants it and learn how much they might miss it. For those using a background decryption tool such as AnyDVD, one of the problems encountered is memory usage. This is a program best used on PCs with a lot of RAM and free HD space. It is not good for PCs with limited system resources. Recording on the fly is in general a more memory intensive than recording using HD files. DVD Shrink does a good job of ripping on its own, no need for other rippers. DVD Shrink is not a good program to use as a ripper for other editing programs since it rips and edits. DVD Decrypter would be a better choice in such an instance. For the beginner DVD Shrink and the Nero burning ROM is a good duo. I did a lot of learning with these (and still am). There are better programs than Shrink, but you'll have to pay for them. Some of the retail are no better. An interesting fact is that the author of Shrink is working on some improvements. For flyers16, If you live in the US all the retail DVDs you purchase are region 1 (as the US is in region one). DVD Decrypter can reset regional settings or eliminate them as needed. Region Free is another program of interest for dealing with region settings. Most decryption/ripper tools can deal with regions settings. The region settings are part of the encryption system. Those applicable laws extend farther than just the US, they are also in effect in the EU.
I am in Canada.I am in the process of buying new Blanks. I have InCd and have not encountered any problems so far. I only use DVDShrink with Nero.I have not run into any more Region one DVD,s.The movie was GOOD WILL HUNTING. The writing is in big bold letters in towards the middle of the DVD,not along the outside as most of them are.What problems does InCd cause in specific?
Incd causes little annoying things like locking up the recording software or causing it to crash. It also causes bad burns by the burner software. It has even been known to affect Shrink and the Nero burning ROM. It doesn't cause problems in all cases, just a lot (enough that it is featured in bulletins from software companies). If you run into problems down the rode, remember, packet writing software is a known problem and InCD runs continuously in the background. Here is a list of some region info. #1 United States and Canada, #2 Japan, Europe, South Africa and the Middle East, #3 Southeast Asia and East Asia, #4 Australia, New Zealand, some Pacific Islands, Central and South America, #5 Indian Subcontinent, Former Soviet Union and Africa, #6 China, and #0 no region. Here is a URL to an old article giving a little why about region codes. A little dated but informative. So, in Canada as well, most of the DVDs are region 1.
I will Stop InCd and see how that works.I know all the dvd,s I have burned are region one but this one movie had it written very boldly and big letters.It was the only one that had it and the only one I could not copy.I have to borrow it from my friend and try it with AnyDVD.