OK, i wasn't sure exactly where to put this, but here is my dilemma. I was trying to backup my copy of The Nightmare Before Christmas with AnyDVD and CloneDVD2. When i would pick my file; it would say it is copyprotected(CSS). Well, AnyDVD was supposed to take care of that! I went to download the newest version and then during install i get this error: Error opening file for writing: "C:WINDOWS\system32\ElbyCDIO.dll" Hit "abort" to abort installation, Retry to retry writing file, or Ignore to skip this file Is there something wrong with my computer because i remember getting this during the last downlaod too...? I think that may be my problem, that it's not seeing that file, but i dont know computers! Can somebody help me with this please?
What version of AnyDVD are you using? There have been some buggy updates lately. The current version seems to be working well. I would redownload the version from slysoft.com. and try the install again. If that doesn't work I would install and run a registry cleaner to get rid of any traces of AnyDVD and then install latest version and activate your key. You did pay for these programs, right? free registry cleaner, ccleaner. I run it every day. It will get a lot of $hit off your HDD. get it here: http://www.ccleaner.com/download/downloadpage.aspx?1
I had a customer with this problem yesterday, here's how we fixed it : First backup your key, then uninstall anydvd, delete it's folder, run Ccleaner *both regular and registry cleaning utils*, then reinstall with your key. Should work like a charm.
OH HECK YA I BOUGHT THEM!!! I was impressed with its range and upkeep, so i couldn't resist buying it from Slysoft!! Thanks for the help gang. I wasn't sure if we were aloud to talk about this program on here because i didn't see a section for it. I'll see what i can do. Have a great holiday season evryone!