I was using anydvd6085 and it wouldn't decrypt the movie one million years b.c., so i went back to 6082 and that didn't work, so then i went to 6080 and still to no avail. can some one help me.
the trouble am having is that when i try to burn the movie. anydvd reads back that the movie has a protected code
thats a 1966 movie anydvd should handle it fine as long as the dvd isn't a bad pressing or scratched. try using the anydvd ripper ripping it to your HD first transcode with clonedvd 2 then burn or use dvd decrypter ,it should handle the movie by its self RipIt4Me is another option also make sure you have updated firmware on your drive/burner check here http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_all.php
- i'd go with aabbccdd's option here, try just DVD Decrypter on it's own; i very much doubt this movie has any funny new protections/or been remastered with any funny new protections. Also try just DVD Shrink on it's lonesome
Thanks guy's, I think it was the movie. Am waiting for another one. I will let you know the out come.