What's the deal with some people not being able to use AnyDVD without some kind of problems? I use it all the time without EVER having a problem with it. I've noticed our more experienced members here don't seem to have a problem with it, just the newer members. Are they just not looking over all their options? Is this a piece of software that wreaks havoc on your system if you use a crack on it instead of purchasing it? So I want to know who has a problem with it and who uses it flawlessly?
i can use anydvd just fin the only problem i have is I can play a copyed dvd on my computer but nothine else. It is great software.
I have been using Anydvd along with Clonedvd for over a year now through several updates. Never had a problem until version 5000 came out. Slysoft acknowledged the problem and had several quick updates to correct the problems. Once again it is working as before with no trouble. I'm guessing that some of the members having problems are using the bad versions and possible not legal versions. Both Slysoft and Elby are great companies and will fix software problems quickly. Updates for new encryptions to Anydvd are faster than any other company also. IMO you can't go wrong with these 2 companies and their software. Jerry One other thing I forgot to mention. The posts I have read about problems seem to deal with people running several decrypters at the same time (as Decrypter and Anydvd together). I think its a case of overkill at times. I only run one or the other, never both together. The only time I might try 2 decrypters would be Anydvd behind Shrink to give it the ability to decrypt the new encryptions.
I've never had a problem with AnyDVD and think it's a true "fire and forget" app if I've ever seen one.
I agree,I have my AnyDvd set to open when windows starts up, and I never shut it off anymore,even when I use dvd decrypter.
I had a problem with Clone DVD2 when they went to the new 64bit version, but since the last update it has been running fine. I have never had a problem with AnyDVD, but then I do not run it when I am using Decrypter, but it works fine with my Nero, Shrink and CopytoDVD.
So it seems to boil down to operator error (that's a favorite at work) or what I think to be the bigger cause - an illegal copy. I've never had it conflict with any other software and I never shut it off, and I use Decrypter all the time. Never had a problem with it yet. I might've had a problem with 5.0, but they fixed that before I even got a chance to use it. [Edit] As far as the operator error, I'm not too sure if that's the case. I remember when I downloaded it the first time and rebooted, I didn't have to change anything in the settings. I saw the fox in the taskbar and knew it was running. But there are some pretty cool things you can do in the options there.
squizzle. i think you are right up to a point about it being newcomers having probs. in my case i originally used the power2go3 system that came with my comp to backup my cd's and dvd's. (because i did'nt know any better)then had prob's with coded dvd's. was recommended anydvd loaded, then found i could'nt use parts of power2go,so binned anydvd. then found afterdawn, posted my prob, scubapete suggested i tried again with new anydvd, i did and it did the same thing. so i binned it again. only because i still like to use the system i was used to useing added shrink + decrypter and dvd43 with no probs. i dare say if used without power2go it works fine. geoff
I also have been using AnyDVD along with CloneDVD2 for about six months and have never had a problem with either once I realized you need to give AnyDVD a few seconds to do its thing before you start to copy. Having the info page popup lets me know when to proceed. The only conflict I've had was having DVD43 running when I first tried to use AnyDVD. Dropped DVD43 like a hot potato and never looked back. I also have used AnyDVD with DVD Shrink and DVD Dcrypter just to become familiar with those programs. No problems what so ever. Now if they would just present a program that would totally ignore scratches, smudges, dirt, bad pressings and lously media (i.e. CRC errors) then someone would have a winner.......
I love AnyDvd I rip on the fly most of the time(not recommended) using nero recode,Intervideo dvdcopy3,dvd2one,etc.It saves the extra ripping time and my system can handle it.
I never had a problem with AnyDVD for any reason, I let it run in background like it should, I dont understand those who say they have problems with it, the first thing they do is blame the program when more likly or not it is operator error, they dont want to take the time to figure out if they have other programs that might conflict with it, it must be AnyDVD fault
OK, I did some researching and found that AnyDVD does have some "issues" sometimes with Intervideo or Pinnacle software. I have used software from both of these companies with AnyDVD running and experienced no problems. Most other problems seem to revolve around operator (which I'm still thinking it's an illegal copy). One guy has 5 computers with AnyDVD giving him problems on all 5 computers. That sounds like an illegal copy to me. Anyway, here's the link to Slysoft's AnyDVD FAQ section of their site, in case anyone wants to do some reading: http://www.slysoft.com/en/faq.html#Technical questions about AnyDVD
anydvd works like a charm for me too~ only problem i had when the 64 bit beta version came out, went back to the old version and problem resolved. since then, slysoft has updated quite a few times and im now running the version without a hitch~ i think a lot of times the problems reported are due to the illegal/cracked versions, if people would only realize that spending $40 on something that will work is WORTH every penny, then there would be no problem to be arguin' about. anydvd is a great app and i will continue to use it with no probs.
kivory, I agree 100%. I'd rather spend $100 on this than some of the other software I spent $100 on (cough*DVD X Copy*cough)
i would pay seriously DOUBLE of what i paid for anydvd, i highly recommend it~ can't say i have ever paid $100 for software *cough i hate dvdxcopy *uncough* HAHAHAHA> im sorry you were betrayed early on in the dvd burning game~ but, hey, we learn from our mistakes and you are much wiser now to say the very least~ have a good one.
DVD XCOPY and ANYDVD Does anyone know if the two work together.... I just don't want to screw up my system.... THanks
@cadreamin: Yes they do X Copy is what brought me to this site, and led me to DVD Decrypter and DVD Shrink. Since then I've moved on to bigger and better. So I'd say it was a blessing in disguise.