I bought AnyDVD a while ago and was pretty sure I saved the reg tool onto my port USB storage device (Lexar). I had to buy a new HD for my PC, and I downloaded the trial version of AnyDVD, but when I try to access the reg tool I have saved, it opens up my documents, looking for "AnyDVD Registration" in "Files of Type". Where is the code?
Perhaps you save the wrong file to your USB storage device. The activation file should be key.anydvd or something like that. And once you have AnyDVD installed that file will have the fox on it. If you saved the wrong file .. there isn't much you can do. It clearly states you save the reg key because a new one will not be issued. I've got all of my serials and keys stored in 4 places. 2 on one pc and 2 on another.