Lost most channels this evening on NTL Ireland. Anyone else in the same boat or is it just me? I see they did a roll @ 18:18 and I'm down since. Have they found a new way to cause us problems??
Thanks for the reply Cactikid. Not sure what happened there but I'm back again after been down for about 50mins. Seems to have eventually updated itself. Wouldn't mind but I had it left on S*Y Sports for ages. Anyway all is well again. Thanks
I had similar problems. They're up to something. turned it on about 6:45 and had all the channels. Then I flicked to rte1 and when I changed to any other channel they were gone. So i turned it off and back on. Everything was there but once I flicked to rte1 I lost all the channels again. Went into the emu settings and disabled 10 and 11 leaving nagra-rom 7 on. Then restarted the box and I then had all the channels, but still no rte1. About half an hour had passed. Turned back on the other roms and restarted. Still no rte1 Checked rte1 just now and it's back again. So everything's cool again but I've never seen this kind of shit happen before so I reckon they're up to something..
I lost lots of channels as well but when I went into Key Manager and then turned auto update off and went into provider id, changed it to 55 (N*L Dublin) and turned auto back on, they all came straight back.