have dreambox 500c but not getting anything from Chorus Clonmel just wondering if anyone could recommend an image and what settings I should scan. Thanks Romero
Go to manual scan: Frequency: 00322 Modulation: 64-QAM Symbol Rate: 06875 Inversion unticked FEC: 3/4 x network search
could you pm me a site where I can get these (besides digitalworldz.co.uk which needs u to wait a week and make 20 posts) Thanks in advance Romero
If you own the special files for a dbox2 you can built up your own gemini image. Download gemini 3.40 for 500 boxes from the german IHAD forum, install newcamd, evocamd and evocamd config files via the blue panel online update feature, upload Autoupdate.Key from the special files to var/keys, select evocamd in the blue panel menue.
Hi MGB17, I tried the freq's you posted above but no joy its not finding anything is there any other freq's to try? Thanks
Did you type the leading zeros? If you type only 322 you get 32200 and that is 100 times too much. Same for the symbol rate.
yeah I typed it in the way u listed it but no joy I think it might be that I need the diorj 0.6 image, if anyone could email it to me it would be great Thanks Romero
The manual scan feature has the same functionality in all images. Check the default frequency in the settings menue of a chorus digital box in the neighbourhood if you don't own a digital box.