Hi! I have the M3 Lite (not Pro), a Passcard, and 1GB Adata, and SanDisk micro SD cards. I have had great compatibility success with most NDS roms, even the ones people complain about. However, there are 2 roms in particular that I haven't been able to get to work at all, and I have tried converting them with every combination of options in the "M3 Game Manager" program. 1. Star Fox Command 2. Super Mario 64 DS So has anyone had any luck running these with their M3 Lites? Any suggestions you could pass my way? Thanks in advance!
Super Mario 64 DS - (Trim Rom, 4xDMA, Software Reset) Star Fox Command - (Trim Rom, Normal, Software Reset) Those settings should work, if they don't then try redownloading/redumping the games as it could be a problem with those.
Thanks for the advice, but those settings didn't work. I guess I'll just try to find a different version of the roms. I'm curious though, did you get those specs from trying it yourself, or is there like a big list posted somewhere with the best possible rom trimming / M3 options?
http://m3wiki.com/index.php/M3_NDS_roms I have played both the games myself on my M3CF so can confirm they work with those settings.
Thank you. I got 2 new roms and they work with those settings just fine. I guess all my headache was over 2 faulty roms. Thanks again.