Anyone had experience with apartment lease?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by Jay05, Apr 15, 2007.

  1. Jay05

    Jay05 Regular member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    Here's my problem. I have a very good chance of transferring to a different college next semester, BUT I signed a one year apartment lease agreement with 2 other friends and paid the last months rent and the security deposit for next semester.

    I don't want to pay monthly rent for a place where I'm not going to be. I haven't moved in as my lease agreement starts in mid- August. All I did was sign the lease and paid the deposit and security deposit. I thought i was going to live there.
    Is there anything I can do to get out of it? My two friends don't mind me leaving they said they'd find someone before their terms begin if I can get out of it. Is there some sort of fee or excuse I can use to get out??? I already know about subletting (transfer lease to someone else) and I'm in the process of finding someone but there's only 3 weeks of school left. I really need help! If you guys could enlighten me some way it would be awesome!
  2. rdmercer1

    rdmercer1 Active member

    Nov 11, 2004
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    it would be a good thing to go and talk to the people who you have the lease with i am sure if you go and tell them your problem, and that you have another person who will be taking your part of the lease, you should get your deposit back from the person who is taking your place.
  3. capnJayd

    capnJayd Member

    Apr 16, 2007
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    I've done similar things. I've had room mates move out and new ones move in during the middle of the lease. Most places won't care, just so long as the lease isn't being violated (usually, someone is there to still pay rent and such). All you have to do is go with the other room mates and sign a form or two, saying that you are moving out, and that the others are ok with it.
  4. Jay05

    Jay05 Regular member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    Well my problem is that there's 3 weeks of school left and I don't know if I can find someone to replace me. >.< Has anyone experienced or have been in this situation before???
  5. Jay05

    Jay05 Regular member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    Is there any way to just cancel the lease??????? I don't care if I lose my security deposit or last month's rent...
  6. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    call a lawyer and ask. it's a legally binding contract, and we're not qualified to really help with that. if you can't find a replacement for yourself, all we can really say is you're S.O.L. without talking to a legal professional.
  7. mglez86

    mglez86 Guest

    ok, i'm no pro, but the contract is supposed to be to protect you from being kicked out without a good reason, so that's why they say it's for six months or a year, it's only so you may stay that long as far as i know, we have moved from places like that, and all we had to do is tell them with a two week notice and that's all, and since there will be other people staying there too, the contract will not be canceled, so they will still receive their money, so just walk up to the person and tell him (or her) that you are not gonna be staying anymore, and since there will be other people staying any way, than yes you probably will loose your deposit, unless you get it from the person who moves in in you place.
  8. dirtymuse

    dirtymuse Guest

    I have lived in apt's for 10 years and several different complex's in this time as well. I have broken leases before twice. Once was easy because in the lease there was a provision that stated that I could forgo my deposit and pay a month of rent extra aside from the current month and I could break my lease. The other complex had no such provision and went after us for the rest of the lease value. We had 5 months left and they got to keep our deposit, we had to pay a fee for the lawyer and we had to pay every single month of the lease until they got someone to rent the apt. They rented the apt the month we vacated and it was occupied a month there after so in the end we only had to pay for two months we didn't live there plus the other stuff. This is how the law works in our state. Once you sign the contract or lease you have to fufill your commitment and they have to theres. You can't break a lease in our state unless the apt mgmt company allows you to. And around here they never do.

    My sister had a similar situation to yours when she was about 19. She lived in apt with a girl. It was more of a party headquarter. Anyways, she got preggers and had to move out. Her lease wasn't up. They wouldn't take her name off the lease cause she signed it, so basically she just left and had an understanding with her friend that from then on she would pay rent and find a roomate. She didn't want a pregnant girl there who didn't want to have parties anymore anyways. So of course about two months after she left the girl just bailed on the apt and left it in horrid shape. So even though she moved out and had an agreement with the girl they went after both of them for the lease aggreement. Her lawyer told her they could do it and that after the mgmt company got their judgement, she could then turn around and sue her friend for the judgement that was on her beings she had a agreement with that girl. The mgmt company won of course, she then sued the girl and won everything but her deposit back. But again this is all in my state. No two states are the same and mine is pretty hard on Apt dwellers to be honest.
  9. Jay05

    Jay05 Regular member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    i'm in new york which state are you in?

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