I seem to be having problems periodicly w/my M3 DS Simply. What keeps happening is this: When I first put it in and turned it on it booted, but then it froze. After that, I put it in again and it just locked on the health screen, and I figured 3rd time's a charm, so I did it one more time, and all was fine and dandy. After that I was good to go for a while, but then I tried playing Megaman Battle Network 5, and it locked again on me, this time erasing the entire format on my microSD, so a reformat fixed it. Ever since then it occasionally locks on me, or the DS says there is no DS card inserted in slot 2. Is this a problem with my M3, or is this a universal quirkiness about m3's? I'm thinking of getting one for my sister, but I don't want her to go thru what I've been thru, and if it's the M3 I'd like to try to get modchipstore to replace, but I have exactly 8 days as of Sun March 11th to get an RMA. If it's just however how the m3 ds simply is, then I'll get her a lite perfect. Please let me know any of you out there that have a simply. Also, in case anyone says this, my microsd is supported and works well according to the m3wiki (4-5/5 on Castlevania PoR), and I've tried another (also supported) microsd w/the same problems. For what it's worth, I feel the card casing itself move (bow outward) as I put in the microsd. --EDIT-- I'm just trying to answer all the (sometimes quite likely) useless replies that will say "maybe you didn't..." or "perhaps you should..." by giving ALL this information. I also have reformatted the card in both Fat-16 and Fat-32 a couple times.
ur lucky that urs even works for a little. Mine just doesnt load at all. I dunno wat wrongs w/ it. My kingston micro sd should also be supported. I put all the files in correctly and still notin loads. Its rly weird i think i will have to send it back.
I had problems and it turned out to be the kingston micro sd card. Those little guys are extremely fragile and mine went bye bye. I sent it back to kingston and they replaced it. Works great now.
Try reformatting to FAT16, then run scandisk on your MicroSD card, put on your games, then defrag the card. Ensure you have about 6MB free space on your MicroSD card and try again. If your problem still continues (with both microSD cards) I would have the M3 replaced.
Done all of the above, pursuing RMA. --EDIT-- Posted reply w/modchipstore.com ticket, how long does it usually take for them to reply? I put this in on saturday, I didn't expect a reply until today, but still haven't heard anything. If they wait until my return time is up to reply, I'll post back, and will never buy from them again.