I want to upgrade my xbox to a 160gb by using the one that is sitting in my computer as a secondary drive. Is there anyway I can put it on my xbox without having to reformat my drive? I have lots of good media on that drive that I want to keep on. Thanks
Unless you're going to have multiple hard drives hooked up to your Xbox, then I'd have to say no. Multiple hard drives - http://iso420.org/xbox/xtenderv2/index.htm If you use it as the primary, you'll have to format and partition it before the Xbox can use it.
also, would i be able to form a partition of, say 100mb for the mod and misc stuff, (having that section formatted), and another partition for all my games and media? (unformatted)
Actually, I just remebered that the Xbox doesn't even use a PC file system for hard drives. It uses a modified FAT filesystem, so even if you used it as a secondary, your Xbox wouldn't be able to read it without it being formatted first. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FATX And yeah, it's a definite answer...