Anyway to fix out of synch audio?

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by Noya, Mar 13, 2005.

  1. Noya

    Noya Member

    Dec 12, 2004
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    I was converting a PAL avi to NTSC using Nero VisionExpress and the out of synch audio is pretty bad on the resulting DVD. Is there ANY way to convert PAL to NTSC without the audio problem?
  2. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    I don't think the problem is due to the NTSC/PAL conversion.
    Actually, the audio might go bad for two Reasons. One reason is described in (bad VBR audio encoding). Just open the AVI with VirtualDub and see if an error message appears. The solution, again, is written in

    If, instead, the movie is corrupted it's a hard work. The only way I've found to correct that is:

    1) Convert AVI --> MPG with TMPGenc. Keep the old AVI, don't delete it. The audio will be bad (becomes un-sync with the video at a certain point of the movie), but at least it can be extracted as an undcompressed WAV from the movie, doing:
    1.a) open the MPG with VirtualDub
    1.b) select Audio__Full processing mode
    1.c) do file___Save WAV

    2) look the movie and find the exact point (the corruption point) where the sound becomes out-of-sync (and you can notice a glitch in the video, too). Usualy the sound is OK before xx' yy", then becomes out-of-sync of a constant amout (from a fraction of second to half - or more - minutes), Write down that number found 'by ear' observing the lip-sync (ex 1,5")

    3) now the sound - the WAV you obtained in step 1 - is a 'real' uncompressed WAV. Open it with Exact Audio Copy (EAC) (you could't do that to the sound extracted from the AVI), do Tools___Process WAV and
    do Edit__Insert Silence (you could also CUT if you need to anticipate the sound, but I never was in this case) and add approx 1.5 ". Save it.
    use that newly created WAV file as 'audio input' then you convert (again) AVI --> MPG with TMPGenc. You can also make some try to see if the resuting audio is OK, before doing the whole movie with Motion search precision = 'Highest Quality (slow)'.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2005
  3. Noya

    Noya Member

    Dec 12, 2004
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    Thanks for all the info. At second look, the audio is just a few frames off(too fast), but it's annoying. It reminds me of one of those old Godzilla movies lol. So it was a 2cd PAL xvid movie w/AC3 audio that played perfect on the PC and the Phillips 642 in ISO format. In VisionExpress I made a cheezy menu with animated scene selection(just two scenes, CD1 and CD1). It seems to me that PAL 25fps to NTSC 23.976fps explains the audio being slightly ahead of the of lip moving. Thanks for all the links and instructions.
  4. gjohung

    gjohung Guest

    I have same problem that I am pulling my hair. I capture PVR with Winfast 2. It creates MPG file. which plays perfect when played with it's own player or windows media player.

    I converted this using Ulead, Roxio, and few others to convert to VCD and DVD and they all have audio synch problem. sometimes it is almost a minute out of synch

    I tried converting MPG to AVI and burn, MPG to WMV and burn, they all comeout out of synch. I know that VCD and DVD creates separate folder for video and audio. does this have to do with bit rate, or they way it was captured... I have slight jerky capture sometimes..I am using AMD 1.7 G with 512 RAM..

    Please help.
  5. gjohung

    gjohung Guest

    wanted add this... the native MPG file is becomes out of synch when it is converted to VCD or DVD.
  6. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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  7. jlrm365

    jlrm365 Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    "It creates MPG file. which plays perfect when played with it's own player or windows media player"

    I had this problem for ages, with winAVI amongst others.

    Try DVDSanta:

    Try NeroVision Express 3:

    DVDSanta is almost a drag and drop solution.

    With NeroVision Express 3, you have the option to make menus. Simply choose not to, if all you want is the movie.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2005

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