I'm using URL Snooper to get packet information for files that stream on Music Net. However, URL Snooper doesn't register anything. By the way, It's set to search my Temp Internet Files. Anyone know how to view streaming media info. on those AOL Music Net files? The media player is embedded in the program. Also, is there any better software that I might use to view streaming AOL Music Net Files? Thanks, guys. Really appreciate the technical advice.
I can't tell you anything about MusicNet@AOL because I don't have a subscrption. As far as Project URL Snooper. The normal mode of use is Sniff Network and not Search Files. Sniff Network is a real-time search for URL's from packets captured from your network adapter. Search Files is a secondary search for URL's that have previously accumulated in your Temporary Internet Files or are saved in other locations on your computer. The results you see will depend on which of the Display boxes you have checked or un-checked. Hide non-streaming URL's Hide Empty Files Hide Incomplete Hrefs Remove Duplicates Of those the biggest difference difference will be if you check or un-check Hide non-streaming URL's. If it is checked it will only display mms and rtsp URL's and http URL's with extensions like .asf .asx .ra .rm .ram. Search Files is really used mostly for those few people who can't get a working network adapter and have to try to find URL's in their Temporary Internet Files. It can also be used to find URL's that you may have previously come across but did not save when using Sniff Network or when just surfing. It is also helpful for finding URL's in Text and HTML files that you have saved in other locations on your computer. The default Search Files directory is set for a computer running Windows 95/98/Me. C:\Windows\Temporary Internet Files. For Windows XP you should instead set the directory to something like this. Notice the YourNameHere directory will depend on your computer. C:\Documents and Settings\YourNameHere\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
Thanks, Veblin. I'll have a look at my settings to see if that might help. Actually, I do know where those Music Net Files are supposed to download to, but that's ONLY if you buy them first. Seems like I should still be able to view that stream when the music is playing, though. Also, I asked about other software that might be able to capture or record the song while it's playing (Total Recorder comes to mind, though I've never used it before...) Any suggestions? Thanks a bunch. You always provide very helpful insight.
Direct audio recording software list. http://p084.ezboard.com/fstreemeboxvcrfrm7.showMessage?topicID=11.topic I often recommend HarddiskOgg. http://www.fridgesoft.de/harddiskogg.php It is FREE and easy to use. See the direction on the site if you want to install the optional MP3 encoding.
Okay, I think the HarddiskOgg is gonna be a winner. I'm reading about it and it sounds pretty easy to use. However, I notice that it keeps on talking about a microphone or "line in" input. That part kinda confused me. Does that mean I'm going to have to set up an external microphone or something when I playback these songs?
No. You can record from any source available. I don't know how your computer and sound card are setup. You may have an icon in the notification area of your taskbar that will allow you to get to your mixer controls. Or, Control Panel > Sounds and audio devices. Audio tab > Sound recording > select your sound card as the Default device: Click the Volume button and the Recording Control should open. Options > Properties and select the recording volume controls you want available. Click OK to return to the Recording Control. Select Stereo Mix or Wave as your source.