ok, i am having a problem. I have 2 xvid files and i cannot merge them using vdub. when i try to append it tells me the have differnet audio bit rates. "The audio streams have differnt sampling rates (26928.00000 vs. 26969.00000)" i would love to know what is going on and how i can fix it. thanks
you meed a programme called "avi audio decompressor"dont have a link for it now. decompress the two avi files,then use vd to join the files works everytime for me. good luck.
No, you don't need another program. Open part 1 in vdub, select video, direct stream copy. Select audio, full processing. Select File, save avi. This will generate a larger avi, with uncompressed audio. Do the same to part 2. You can now join your newly saved parts 1 and 2.