Archos DVR 700 100GB Video Conversion!

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by carldaru, Feb 3, 2006.

  1. carldaru

    carldaru Member

    Feb 3, 2006
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    Hey all! I'm new here, but I was wondering if you could help me with my problem. I know there are tons of resources out there for this stuff, but it is too confusing for me. I am a computer geek, but not a video conversion geek. I barely know anything about video conversion (I know the formats and more, etc. but that's it). I have an Archos DVR 700 100GB DVR. I have tons of downloaded movies. I put all the AVIs on my DVR, only to find that SOME worked and others didn't (one had video but no audio). I tried to find a similarity in the ones that worked, but I couldn't find all seems random. Anyway, I know that you can only put on AVIs and I believe WMV (not sure) and MPG4s. Is AVI and MPG4 different, or is MPG4 an audio style for AVI??? Also, is there any program out there (or method) that I can use THAT IS FREE (I have no money) that IS NOT CONFUSING, will give me excellent video quality, and is easy to use? Please, I want this to be successful...thank you for your time!

  2. danbhn

    danbhn Member

    Nov 8, 2004
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    Try clonedvd's Mobile video converter, i've heard its great at encoding video to mobile-like devices such as, sony psp, ipod etc.. maybe yours is included? Archos should be, after all a lot of divx/players come from Archos?

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