is there any movies so far that no one has been able to copy? just wondering, i've only backed up 13 so far, and i have done them all with DVD Fab, just wondering if theres anything new or old that is a tough one especially.
If a new movie cant be backed up it usually means the decrypting software has yet to catch up, which usually happens on the next update, or the software has a bug - again usually fixed in the next update. I don't know of any old films immune to decryption - after all if there was one all the companies would use that protection and we would all have to find another hobby... but I could be wrong
Brand new Releases out of the wrapper? Not 1 single movie that I couldn't backup Older scratched dvd's and bum presses- That's another story, LOL Lords of Dogtown was the toughest one I encountered.Took 3 times using dvd shrink,anydvd,and autoburn with nero when it first came out. Here's a list of some of the troublesome flicks,scroll half way down:
Thanks for the link saugmon... I remember when Shrink & Decrypter were no longer updated and things looked grim for a while, but luckily they are both back in RipIt4Me thanks to some unknown genius...