Hey every1, I am not artistic, and its soo hard for me to make a [bold]good[/bold] avatar. I asked some1 to make the one u see in my sig and it was the third one he ever made, its great and all but I was looking for something a little more high quality. Now I know Phantom69 makes the BEST avatars on the web, but we have not met and I wouldnt expect him/her to make one for a stranger ;-D So if any1 is looking for a little project, I have one for them (I will pay u if u want or if its alot of work, via email, money order ect.) I am looking for a banner style and square avatars. I would like them to include: ~ utorrent theme ~ my tag: cbrooks ~ the words: ยต7oRr3n7 Fr34k (<--like that) ~ the colours white, silver and green. ~ dont care too much about animation, but would be cool ;-D ~ size: w/e u think is the most generic and easiest to work w/ for all types of sites. Exact same theme for both banner style and square. I'm sorry I cant do this myself but I have tried, and trust me they sucked!, lol. I feel bad for asking but I cant do it, and I would like something nice to look at while sitting here for hours on end ;-D PM me, leave a msg here, dont matter, thx.
maybe ill do one for ya later or something when i have nothing else to do lol shoot me some more info on the design ideas
yeah man no hurry, thanks for the reply. As for more design ideas I'm really not sure as this is all new to me ;-D I guess all I care about is the theme, names and colours. And I would like some sort of animation. I just want it to look cool and original. Sorry I dont have anymore ideas, lol. PM me anytime if u have questions or comments, looking forward to hearing from u, and thx again ;-D