As time changes, is this the end of theaters?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by venomX05, Apr 14, 2005.

  1. venomX05

    venomX05 Regular member

    Jan 18, 2005
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    Hey everyone!

    You know, I was thinking about something. After reading this:

    It made me think if we are slowly starting to see the end of movie theaters.

    Think about it, before the internet, we would all go to the theaters, then when it showed, you could download them, and it would take forever. Then came HSI (High Speed Internet), then next will be fiber optics/internet2. So, if you d/l'ed them, there wouldn't be any kicking the back of the chairs, sticky floors, loud talking, annoying people who constantly crack jokes, no long lines, and other annoyances.

    So, it made me think...can we be seeing a change in the way people go out to the movies.

    When a movie comes out, it only takes HOURS for it to end up on BT sites. Wow, that's a VERY short time then before. Here where I live, we have one of several still functioning drive in theaters, and the only reason why it is opened is because it is a great place to go in the summertime, but we still have the regular theaters at the mall.

    BUT...what if the internet gets SO fast that instead of releasing it in the theater, they will be almost non-existant, and go straight to the net.

    Personally, I think the last time I went to the theater was to see Spiderman 2, everything else, was available the next day after release in the theater!

    So, what do you all think about this?


    Last edited: Apr 14, 2005
  2. Xian

    Xian Regular member

    Jun 27, 2003
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    I would say no. The death of movie theaters has been predicted with the advent of every new technology. In the 50s when everyone started getting telelvision in the home, theater attendance dropped and many did close. After all, why go to a theater when you can sit and be entertained at home? The same argument was made 20 years later when VCRs arrived on the scene. I know my movie going dropped after I could sit at home and watch movies on my schedule, but attendance was up overall.

    There will always be a need for the theater. If you are on a date, where will you go if there was no theaters? Surely you wouldn't want to snuggle up on her parent's couch while the rest of the family looked on. Some people enjoy the theater experience, even with all the distractions I hate - the cellphones, crying babies, annoying people, overpriced refreshments.
  3. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    No, at least not for me, there is nothing like watching the movie on a big screen compared to a pc, and I love all that sound coming at me. Plus there are too many families that take advantage of moviegoing.
  4. venomX05

    venomX05 Regular member

    Jan 18, 2005
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    Well, not to just watch it on the pc persay, arniebear, but more of less technology get's so easy that you can d/l it after Hollywood releases it in about an hour, burn it to a dvd (which at that point, everything would probably be somewhat universal and wouldn't need to convert anything) and then just burn it to a dvd and BOOM! you're done!

    But I totally see the point as well with Xian's. Just kinda weird how, even though people still go to movies, do people REALLY still go to movies?

  5. thargor

    thargor Member

    Oct 29, 2002
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    I would rather go to the cinema anyday to see a movie I "really want to see".
    For example Lord of the rings has very little impact for me on the small screen at home (60" Plasma) compared to the massive screen in a cinema. So to keep cinemas in business they need to make movies worthy of going to the cinema.
    I personally don't have a problem with mobile phones when I go, as for some reason phones don't work within 15 metres of me!
  6. haimback

    haimback Regular member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    @ Xian,
    Shall we just call you mr romantic form now on?

    As for the topic - i agree with most nothing like sitting back looking at that huge screen and the floor rumbling with the bass, a huge oversized and overpriced coke in hand......bliss
  7. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    I think there will always be people who go to the theater for the sheer love of the cinema. Art theaters would not exist if they did not. I took my 4yr old grandaughter to see her first movie Shark Tale, and she could not wait to go again, she was so excited by the whole experience. I agree that if you make the movies people will come. You can listen to a concert on your ipod but its better to be there in person no matter what crapa$$ seat you have. Some movies are just the same way.
  8. bkf

    bkf Guest

    Heck no!! They still make darn good popcorn :)
  9. dlc2000

    dlc2000 Regular member

    Feb 27, 2004
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    its doubtful that we will see the end of the cinema . there is too much tradition in it . besides that , people have a life and actually do things without a computer or internet connections .
  10. ~RoNin~

    ~RoNin~ Regular member

    Mar 13, 2005
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    I like going to the theatre...sometimes. Every once in a while its cool to go to a movie with a girl under your arm...ya know how that ends up...ya never see the movie...Plus when you see a movie with stellar effects and sound its better in the theatre (unless of course you happen to have a projector and some crazy surround sound in your house ;) ) However, I dont like the cost, the crowds, the a**holes who refuse to shut up and/or turn their phones off.

    I do believe that we will see then end of the movie rental places traded in favor of downloading and watching on your Media Centre.

    On a related note (kinda) I also belive that in five years you wont go to comp usa or wherever to buy software you'll just DL it...Mark My Words.

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