lakshy, ASF files are extremely low-resolution files and I know of nothing that could read your DVD in that format. To convert them to MPEG would looks "Less than good (he said with his breath held). Don't think you want to go there. Convert your ASF files to AVI files and your end result will be 3- 5 hours of acceptable video. One of our resident Gurus named “Minion” coved this in another thread – See - That should set you straight - Pete _X_X_X_X_X_[small]The “old man” Pete (ö¿ô) Compaq 8000, Pent 4 CPU 2.84GHz, 1GB RAM. 340GB HD, 7200 (Maxtor 120, Western 200 & 20. 4 Drives, JLMS DVD ROM, HP DVD Writer 200j, Nec 4X DVD RW ND-1300A & AXV CD/DVD-ROM. GeForce4 Ti 4200-128MB, OS– XP sp1.[/small]