meh! never went on that site anyway, never realy appealed to me, same go's for Yahoo, was ok at first but then it lost my interest when I rediscovered the wonders of Google, was kind of cr@p anyway as it would usualy point me to irrelivent sites, which when clicked on for some reason or another was full of adds, advertising panties, and itself. The simplicity of Google is unrivaled, and the precisition is out of this world. Kind Regards, BluRay.
I like[bold]d[/bold] Ask, same for Yahoo. Google will not find what you need all the time, when Ask or Yahoo will find something. Ask has a good image search, where Google's is crap. I'm with pepsimaxx, [bold]all[/bold] respect lost! Guess I'll live with just Google and Yahoo, or get used to using MSN, *sigh*. never appealed to anyone I guess, I wonder how they even became the fifth biggest search engine, I am sure as word gets around will drop down the search engine ladder. Kind Regards, BluRay.
They're getting flagged as spyware by Intrusion Detection Systems-> They must be pretty bad. Shame, I liked 'em too.
i've had no problem with it at all yet as ad-aware se, spybot & sometimes run spyware doctor show me clean
It hasn't dropped anything on you yet, but they should flag the toolbar if you actually install it. doesn't do drive-by downloads AFAIK, but apparently does, which is why AAW and SpyBot may not flag it. But the issue, as Edelman points out, seems to be installing spyware that downloads from targetnet-run servers.
they were alright, only used em before google. but still they were a respected site. but man. google is better than MSN is alright and Yahoo i give a thiumbs down
Well I guess this is goodbye to Ask, guess they could not keep up with the likes of Google or Yahoo. Kind Regards, BluRay.
Google doesn't have to. Seen the stock market lately? Google is soaring! For the people saying Yahoo! sucks, I must disagree 100%! There have been many times Google will not find something I was looking for, but when I switch my search to Yahoo! I may find many, very helpful links. Unless you know the very detailed technical side of Google it's just another search engine. But when you discover how to search within those 'techni-cals', yes Google is the best. One search engine cannot do it all. Google may find this, MSN may find that and Yahoo! may find a little bit of this and that. Or visa versa for all three. Or hell, throw Dogpile in there also, it's not that bad, but definitely not a first choice.