Aspect Ratio Distortion....... Must Fix!!!

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by tabitha76, Feb 6, 2008.

  1. tabitha76

    tabitha76 Member

    Feb 6, 2008
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    I have changed the aspect ratio to 16:9 from automatic in my converting program(s) and the movie looked stretched or ditorted. The picture only filled about the middle half of the screen on my old standard TV. I don't want to have the 4:3 full screen format but I would like the 16:9 widescreen format but without the distortion(obviously). I just read through the explanation of aspect ratio at Very informative, but I could use some help applying that info to my problem.
    I have been using WinAVI and ConvertXtoDVD. I also have Nero 8, Alcohol 120% v1.9.5 Build 3823 and DVD X Copy Platinum v4.0.4.15. I am leaning towards ConvertX as my favorite even though it takes longer.

    But if I need something else I'll try to get it.

  2. Rotary

    Rotary Senior member

    Apr 10, 2003
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    use new RC3 convertxto dvd and use safe zone on widescreen

  3. tabitha76

    tabitha76 Member

    Feb 6, 2008
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    OK I've got the RC3 version and it looks exactly like the screen shot you sent. What exactly am I looking at here? Is the "safe zone" my TV screen?

    Using a movie I converted and burned. Put disk in my stand alone dvd player and paused at a scene. Opened same movie AVI file in ConX. Using the ConX tool in above screen shot, I tried to get the same result on my computer screen as I saw on the TV screen. And I think I was able to. But it doesn't seem like the automatic settings were all that great. If the safe zone is in fact the TV screen it seems I can do much better manually. Is there any picture quality lost by adjusting manually? If you have any other advice that would be great!!
    I usually just figure things out by trial amd error, seems like learning from mistakes helps with the overall understanding. But at this point I could just waste a bunch of time and dvds(mostly time) to get 1 movie looking as good as possible.
    Thank You for helping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Rotary

    Rotary Senior member

    Apr 10, 2003
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    this is still new to me, but have read auto settings arnt a good idea, so usuing this panel above with the safe zone ticked is a better way on manaul settings, the box should represent the tv system, tick either 4:3 full screen or 16:9 widescreen depended on your tv specs, then manully move sliders into the zone...

    i am just testing safe zone stretch now on a file as it goes...

    obvious;y the safe zone is a guide you may able to leave more over the lines and be ok on tv? dont fit dead to safe zone, like you say abit of trial and error and this is a brand new feature and the rc3 isnt a full app yet its beta testing stage...

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