Aspect ratio problem on stand alone dvd players after encoding! HELP

Discussion in 'Video to DVD' started by Kopernks, Mar 19, 2006.

  1. Kopernks

    Kopernks Guest


    I'm stuck on this one. I've encoded with tmpgenc some avi,mpeg files in dvd 4:3 pal format, after this I authored them with tmpgenc dvd author en burned them to dvd. If I play them on my pc or on my laptop everything seems fine, but if I play them on my standalone dvd player or psx2 etc.., I lose a part of the picture on the left and right side. Somebody now how I can fix this? If I import for example the dvd back on the pc, the picture is fine no picture lost.
  2. Jigen

    Jigen Regular member

    Jan 31, 2006
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    What this is is overscan. It's totally normal, but it can be an issue with downloaded stuff. There are tutorials out there that could help you deal with this.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2006
  3. Kopernks

    Kopernks Guest


    Ok, I will lookup some info on overscan.
    The problem also exist with not downloaded movies.

  4. Jigen

    Jigen Regular member

    Jan 31, 2006
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    It's not really a 'problem' it's supposed to cut off your video. Every TV for decades did this, but as you noticed a computer monitor doesn't. Simply put, the way to fix it is to add borders around your video that your TV will overscan away instead of overscanning your video. Very easy to do this with TMPGEnc using the "Center and custom size" feature.
  5. Kopernks

    Kopernks Guest

    I can imagine that this is normal, but my cutoff of films I authored myself is very big that I can't even read the text anymore. It's weird theirs no function in tmpgenc on that, and on my commercial dvd's I don't have this problem. Howmuch border do I need to place around the movie?
  6. Kopernks

    Kopernks Guest


    I was wondering, I've seen that I have an option in the service menu of my sony tv to turn off overscan, will this cause problems for other dvd's,tv,satellite etc.. and is it recommended?
  7. Jigen

    Jigen Regular member

    Jan 31, 2006
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    Are you capturing these videos yourself? Certain cards don't capture the full frame, so when you re-author the frame is the wrong size and you get your video overscanned away. All commerical DVDs do this as well. I could post images illustrating what gets cut off the sides of a DVD if you want.
    As I mentioned there is a way to correct this to a certain extent in TMPGEnc using the "center and custom size option". It's not automatic, you need to put in the right values, but it's totally doable.

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