assaulted on my own property

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by nate2005, Mar 25, 2008.

  1. nate2005

    nate2005 Regular member

    Dec 9, 2004
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    Hi there i have no idea where to post this so im posting it here sorry mods if this isnt the correct location to put this in. Anyone who is reading this it is long but please read it I am in despreat need of help! Anywayz Yesterday as in easter sunday I was vaccuming my van around 5pm and a neighbor of mine which i have had lotz of problems with in the past year, he comes over to my house come into my garage yells at me saying i need to control my friends I told the man i have no control of my friends than he gets closer to me tells me the same thing and i told him the same thing once again and the next thing he does is covers my mouth with his hands and I slammed my face forward so he lost grip of my mouth and I was yelling at the top of my lungs. He than strangles me against my van and I almost passed out from it but I put him in a headlock and hopin that was going to be enough for him to release the chokehold on me and it wasnt so I hit a pressure point in his neck and than he let me go enough to where i was able to kick him off me. I ran inside and called the cops they came to my house got my side of the story I told the cop i wanted to press charges he goes and talks to the neighbor I had the conflict with and the neighbor lies through his teeth the police than decided I was the agressor of the situation. My problem is The neighbor had this crap planned out. He waited till all neighbors went inside there houses so there wouldnt be a witness. So the cops told me more less a bunch of crap and im extremly mad because in my eyes calling the police out was completly useless. Does anyone know what I can possibly do. I cant get a restraing order on the man because we are neighbors and I had a busted lip from all of this and my neck was all red and scratched up. The neighbor also on his way back to his house rips his shirt and told the cops I beat him up and ripped his shirt. I have no idea what to do. This man is in his 50's and im only 20 gona be 21 here soon... If anyone has even the slightest idea on what i might be able to do please, please leave me some info, I would extremly appricate it. Thanx in advance
  2. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    Short of witnesses and pictures or video footage, you're shit outta luck.

    Did you bring up the point that it doesn't make any sense to call your neighbor over to your property only to attack him?

    If you're looking to make a serious thread, please split the text up into paragraphs and don't make the whole thing 2 long sentences.

    Good English is appreciated.
  3. Indochine

    Indochine Regular member

    Dec 21, 2006
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    Maybe if you get your neighbour to post his side of the story we can see who we believe most.

  4. goodswipe

    goodswipe Guest

    Yea, I don't even read posts like this unless they are split up into sections. When you look at it, it looks like one of those pictures that molds into something after you stare at it for long enough.

    Update: Ok, I broke down and read this - LOL! Dude, the cops suck, sorry to say that. Dealing with things like this is on the very bottom of their list. They would rather not deal with this sort of thing. If I were you, I'd prolly try to pay him back somehow, but then again, he is your neighbor so he will most likely know it was you.

    Sign him up for a subscription to Big Burly Men or something. Have them spam the crap outa his physical mailing address. I would'a just kicked his ass right then and there. No reason to wait and attempt something later.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 25, 2008
  5. nate2005

    nate2005 Regular member

    Dec 9, 2004
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    yeah I should have separated the whole thing, I just get on a writing spree and dont stop to break it all up. The Cops do suck I will openly say that. I just dont know what to do as far as everything because if he did that to me, he might do that to my mom than i will hurt him.
  6. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    Or just bring a professional in to act outside the law, because the law ain't doin' jack.

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