Hi, Just a quick inquiry. I am trying to find a program that will allow me to edit music files. Basically I want to be able to take a song on my computer and using some program be able to take small portions of the song for example the chorus so I can have the chorus as it's own file. Is this possible? If so how?? Cheers
Download Audacity , it's a free Sound Editor :- http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ You can load your piece in there .. and edit, as you wish ! Good Luck
Hi, Thanx for that. I did try that program and when I presses play it was just all static with no music whatsoever. Any thoughts on that?
The file has to be Ogg Vorbis Wav (PCM) or Mp3 (nothing else)! Also you must download the LAME.dll in order to get the Mp3 going. Ced