I seem to have mislaid my associated helper application. Its the little window that pops up saying what do you want to use for this file, . Not the one that pops up when you put a disc in error message reads "Torrent could not be opened because the associated helper application does not exist, change in preferences" I use UTorrent and have recently uninstalled and reinstalled. any ideas cheers Mick
Right click on the file. Select open with. Find utorent and select it. Then select always ues this app for this type or whatever it says that has the same meaning.
trouble is i couldnt even download the torrent file to right click on. I did try another site for exact same file and window popped up. As you suggested I then pointed it at UTorrent and ticked always use as. Then went back to first site and chose file again and it worked. many thanks
I'm having the same exact problem and its not working for me. How do I change the association in my preferences. The preference is already uTorrent. Is it something in Firefox??
To change the preferences you need this window to pop up (below) mine didnt cos I updated some software and it wouldnt come up when using mininova so i just went to another torrent site when it did come up I was able to browse for utorrent.exe and reset it. It then came up when I went back to mininova
i'll have to try that. it worked fine with one torrent i downloaded. but, i just got one from mininova and it didn't work right
I don't think this a matter of the Windows File Type associations -- tho I did try that. I am having this same problem with Firefox and am using Azureus for by bit torrent client. When I click on a torrent link at mininova.org I get an error message: torrent cannot be opened because the associated helper application does not exist It seems there is a place to set this up in Firefox under Tools > Options > Content then Manage (how Firefox handles certain file types) But I see nothing on this list. And no way to add to the list. I've tried copying and pasting, and dragging and dropping .torrent files to the list but no go. I've tried reinstalling Firefox and Azureus with no luck. I am stumped at this point.
I was able to get it working using the advice of consul above. It would not 'find the associated helper application' when I was trying to download torrents from mininova.org or piratebay.org but when I tried to download a torrent from torrentspy.com the window (see above) popped up asking which application to use. I selected Azureus from my Program Files folder and it worked. Yay!