Recently i tried to install freebsd a os based on unix on a maxtor fireball 3 hdd. I had a fat32 partition for back files and a lubuntu os partition on the maxtor. Until i finally decided to delete the ext2 format that had lubuntu and use the freebsd installer. The os installer that came with the freebsd iso had a unsuccessful install after lots of attempts thus conflicting with the bios. Permitting that fact i decided not to install freebsd after all. After i rebooted the hdd the pc prevented the bios to succesfully boot to the other seagate which has win xp. This i found out because i disconnected the maxtor hdd from the mobo and windows booted. So when the maxter hdd is on and running the bios freezes and thus keyboard commands are not accepted by bios. Meaning no f2,f10 nor f8 commands work and all other help full diagnostic tools for troubleshooting the drive work neither. The only partly solution is to buy a 3.5 ata 133 enclosure from amazon but still the fact of solving this problem is greater then buying additional items. I have a picture's from the problem am experiencing below and youtube video: youtube video plus pc specs in desc If any other pc user out there has any tips or have experienced this before please reply.
Tj the seagate hdd ata/133 is set as master and the maxtor fireball 3 was set to slave. after the free bsd unsuccesfull install of the os I isolated the maxtor hdd to the mobo. Meaning I only used the maxtor in the boot up process Which was set to master. Leading still to the bios freezing. The problem is the pc wont reconginize the maxtor hdd and prevent the os from loading. Which in my case is very weird for the pc should look first for the masters hdd os not slave.
is maxtor on same data cable as seagate & if so then try maxtor on secondary ide port on motherboard. try another ide cable.
Ive tried that already i replaced my cd/dvd drive with my maxtor fireball 3 hdd and still resulted in a crash or freeze. Plus yes the cd/dvd drive works and is conformed with power. Concluding that its not the mobo, ide,molex connector but maxtor hdd. Am thinking on the external 3.5 hard drive enclosure. Will it provide any help in my situation ddp. like this enclosure