Hei pitkästä aikaa! Rakensin tuossa kesän alkupuolella uuden koneen itselleni. Alla on yhteenveto sen tiedoista: Prosessori: AMD FX Series FX-8320 Näytönohjain: Radeon 290X Virtalähde: 620 Watt Seasonic SI2II RAM: 16GGB HyperX FURY Kiintolevy: 250GB Crucial MX200 (SSD), sekä 2000GB Seagate Desktop HDD Käyttöjärjestelmä: Windows 7 SP 1 Kotelona toimii Fractal Designin Define R5. Lisäksi prosessorin päällä on Thermalight tower cooler. Vasta alkusyksystä olen todella päässyt tehokäyttämään uutta konetta. Kesäni kului kotipaikkakuntani ulkopuolella ja mitään ongelmia ei koneen käytössä silloin ollut (pyrin varovaisesti tarkistamaan väliajoin lämpötilat). Konetta ei ole ylikellotettu. Nyt n. 1.5 viikkoa käyttäneenä voin todeta että kone toimii hyvin. Paitsi tänään tilanteeseen tuli muutos. Olin pelaamassa kun näyttö yhtäkkiä sammui ja kuulokkeista alkoi kuulua erittäin ikävää ääntä. Hetken odotettuani painoin resettiä, jolloin kone käynnistyi uudestaan, mutta minkäänlaista kuvaa näyttöön ei saatu. Otin irti DVI-D liitännän ja liitin koneeni uudestaan televisioruutuni HDMI jolloin kuva palasi, mutta boottaus ei onnistu normaalisti. Käynnistymisen jälkeen ruudulle ilmestyy nopeasti pieni valkoinen viiva ja järjestelmä käynnistyy uudestaan ehdottaen Safe Moden käyttöä. Ajoin Blue Screen Viewerin ja sain jotain seuraavanlaista: Päätin ratkoa ongelmaa atikmpag.sys tiedostoon liittyen: poistin näytönohjaimen ajurit Laitehallinan kautta ja sain käynnistettyä koneeni normaalisti. Tämän jälkeen poistin Guru3D sivulta saadulla Display Driver Uninstallerilla kaikki jälkeenjäänneet roskat. Käynnistin koneen taas uudestaan ja pyrin asentamaan aiemman version AMD Catalyst kirjastosta. Kokeilin ainakin versioita 15.7 ja 14.12, mutta kaikki päätyivät samaan virhetietoon. Seuraavaksi pyrin etsimään erilaisia kikkoja netistä: asensin Catalyst ohjelmiston uudestaan (vanhojen tiedostojen poiston jälkeen), kopioin atimdag.sy_ tiedoston, jonka expandasin (en tiedä mitä tällä tarkoitettiin) ja korvasin sitten vanhan atimdag,sys tiedoston. Huomaa ero atimdag.sys ja atimpag.sys tiedostolla. Tämä kuitenkin johti taas siniseen ruutuun. Puhti alkaa olla loppu tältä illalta, joten käänny tuttuun ja turvalliseen AfterDawniin. Mikä mahtaisi olla ongelma? Voiko kyseessä tosiaankin olla ajuriongelma? Vai kenties vika piilee näytönohjaimessa itsessään? Entä voisiko kyse olla esimerkiksi vanhoista BIOS ajureista? Tai ehkäpä liian vähäisestä wattimäärästä? Olisin olettanut ajureiden asentuvan normaalisti ja luultavasti kaatuvan intensiivisessä käytössä, mutta nyt ne kaatuvat heti ennen windowsin käynnistyessä. Voisiko näyttö yksinkertaisesti olla mäsänä? Harmittaisihan se varsinkin kun näin vähällä käytöllä ollut, mutta veikkaan että syy voi myös olla koneen rakentajassa. Olen kuitenkin pyrkinyt huolellisesti tarkastamaan konetta silloin tällöin. Kiitos jo näin etukäteen
Näytöohjain lakkasi vastaamta ja palautui. https://support.microsoft.com/fi-fi/kb/2665946 http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-art...TIKMDAGhasstoppedrespondingerrormessages.aspx Voi olla että on muutakin jos on käynnistysongelmia.
Kokeilin noita linkkejä, mutta ongelma on edelleen paikallaan. Puhdistin koneen uudestaan CCleanerilla ja asensin 14.4 version ajureista, mutta muutosta ei ole näkynyt. Jännästi, kun Windows Update yritti uuden käynnistyksen jälkeen asentaa ajureita itse ("Ilmoittaen Radeon R 290 on käyttövalmis" tai vastaavaa), kone boottasi vain mustaan ruutuun. Ensimmäistä kertaa kone ehdotti uudelleenkäynnistyksessä Windows Repairia, joka teki System Recoveryn. Olen miettinyt, joskos Windowsin uudelleenasennus auttaisi asiaan. Näytönohjain ainakin tunnistetaan, valot palavat ja tuulettimet pyörivät, mutta aina kun asennan ajurit, blue screen toistuu. Ajattelin seuraavaksi tarkastaa koneen muistivioilta ja sen jälkeen kokeilla vanhaa Radeoniani. Tässä vielä Open Hardware Monitorin raportti koneestani: Asus on luvannut näyttikseen kolmen vuoden takuun (ja on mielestäni muutenkin ollut melko ystävällinen vahinkojen sattuessa). Jos nyt kuitenkin pyritään paikantamaan ongelma ensin.
Noita viallisia Asus DirectCU -kortteja oli kesällä useita liikkeellä, ettei vain olisi samaa erää? http://keskustelu.afterdawn.com/threads/asus-directcu-ii-290x-ongelmaiset-ilmoittautukaa.757590/
Oho. Ohjain on tosiaan Jimmsistä ostettu toukokuussa, joten taidan olla sinne yhteydessä. Memtest on pyörimässä taustalla eikä näyttäisi olevan kummempia virheitä. Olisiko jollain ehdotusta muista toimenpiteistä? Entä onko mahdollista korvaava korttia suositella. Kiitos Edit: Laite olikin ostettu Jimmsistä eikä Verkkokaupasta
Jos viitsit pistää ne dmp tiedostot vielä, niin voisi niitä katsella jatkoa ajatellen. Vaikka lähettäisitkin kortin jimmsille. Löydät ne. C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP C:\Windows\Minidump\... C:\Windows\LiveKernelReports\WATCHDOG\... Voit joko pakata ne tiedostot ja littää se jälkeen tänne tai sitten liität ne dmp. tiedostot jollekin palvelimelle. Esim dropbox tai vastaava ja latauslinkin tänne.
Jännästi aiemmat dumpit katosivat, mutta toistettaessa ongelmaa ne ilmestyivät takaisin. Onko dump tiedostot ainoastaan saatavilla Safe Modessa? Anyway olen laittanut tiedoston liitteenä. MEMORY.DMP oli sen verran iso että en liittänyt sitä, mutta jos sille on myöhemmin tarve niin laitan sen mukaan erillisenä latauksena. Kiitos vastauksista!
Joo kaikissa oli sama atikmpag.sys Jostain syystä niissä kaikissa oli että symboleissa olisi jotain häikkää, vaikka ei olekaan, sen takia toi dmp. on vähän pidmpi kuin normaalisti. Ja painotetaan nyt etten noista välttämättä saa sen enempää tietoa kuin bluescrenvievilläkään saisi, mutta eipä se pahaa tee niitä katsoakaan. Suomessa on valitettavasti vähän heikkoa näiden bsodien tutkimisen kanssa. Jos viitsit vielä pistää sen MEMORY. DMP:n kanssa. Code: ************* Symbol Path validation summary ************** Response Time (ms) Location Deferred SRV*C:\Windows\symbol_cache*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols Symbol search path is: SRV*C:\Windows\symbol_cache*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols Executable search path is: No .natvis files found at C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64\Visualizers. Windows 7 Kernel Version 7601 (Service Pack 1) MP (8 procs) Free x64 Product: WinNt, suite: TerminalServer SingleUserTS Built by: 7601.18933.amd64fre.win7sp1_gdr.150715-0600 Machine Name: Kernel base = 0xfffff800`02c09000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0xfffff800`02e50730 Debug session time: Sat Sep 5 15:00:08.340 2015 (UTC + 3:00) System Uptime: 0 days 0:00:13.402 Loading Kernel Symbols . Press ctrl-c (cdb, kd, ntsd) or ctrl-break (windbg) to abort symbol loads that take too long. Run !sym noisy before .reload to track down problems loading symbols. .............................................................. ................................................................ ....... Loading User Symbols Loading unloaded module list .... ******************************************************************************* * * * Bugcheck Analysis * * * ******************************************************************************* Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information. BugCheck 116, {fffffa800e914010, fffff88003d35cac, 0, 2} ************************************************************************* *** *** *** *** *** Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger *** *** doesn't have full symbol information. Unqualified symbol *** *** resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a *** *** fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution *** *** of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that *** *** enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol *** *** server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to *** *** appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect *** *** symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down. *** *** *** *** For some commands to work properly, your symbol path *** *** must point to .pdb files that have full type information. *** *** *** *** Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not *** *** contain the required information. Contact the group that *** *** provided you with these symbols if you need this command to *** *** work. *** *** *** *** Type referenced: nt!_KPRCB *** *** *** ************************************************************************* ************************************************************************* *** *** *** *** *** Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger *** *** doesn't have full symbol information. Unqualified symbol *** *** resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a *** *** fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution *** *** of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that *** *** enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol *** *** server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to *** *** appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect *** *** symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down. *** *** *** *** For some commands to work properly, your symbol path *** *** must point to .pdb files that have full type information. *** *** *** *** Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not *** *** contain the required information. Contact the group that *** *** provided you with these symbols if you need this command to *** *** work. *** *** *** *** Type referenced: nt!_KPRCB *** *** *** ************************************************************************* Unable to load image \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\atikmpag.sys, Win32 error 0n2 *** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for atikmpag.sys *** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for atikmpag.sys ************************************************************************* *** *** *** *** *** Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger *** *** doesn't have full symbol information. Unqualified symbol *** *** resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a *** *** fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution *** *** of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that *** *** enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol *** *** server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to *** *** appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect *** *** symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down. *** *** *** *** For some commands to work properly, your symbol path *** *** must point to .pdb files that have full type information. *** *** *** *** Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not *** *** contain the required information. Contact the group that *** *** provided you with these symbols if you need this command to *** *** work. *** *** *** *** Type referenced: nt!_KPRCB *** *** *** ************************************************************************* ************************************************************************* *** *** *** *** *** Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger *** *** doesn't have full symbol information. Unqualified symbol *** *** resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a *** *** fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution *** *** of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that *** *** enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol *** *** server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to *** *** appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect *** *** symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down. *** *** *** *** For some commands to work properly, your symbol path *** *** must point to .pdb files that have full type information. *** *** *** *** Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not *** *** contain the required information. Contact the group that *** *** provided you with these symbols if you need this command to *** *** work. *** *** *** *** Type referenced: nt!_KTHREAD *** *** *** ************************************************************************* ************************************************************************* *** *** *** *** *** Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger *** *** doesn't have full symbol information. Unqualified symbol *** *** resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a *** *** fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution *** *** of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that *** *** enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol *** *** server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to *** *** appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect *** *** symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down. *** *** *** *** For some commands to work properly, your symbol path *** *** must point to .pdb files that have full type information. *** *** *** *** Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not *** *** contain the required information. Contact the group that *** *** provided you with these symbols if you need this command to *** *** work. *** *** *** *** Type referenced: nt!_MMPTE *** *** *** ************************************************************************* ************************************************************************* *** *** *** *** *** Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger *** *** doesn't have full symbol information. Unqualified symbol *** *** resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a *** *** fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution *** *** of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that *** *** enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol *** *** server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to *** *** appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect *** *** symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down. *** *** *** *** For some commands to work properly, your symbol path *** *** must point to .pdb files that have full type information. *** *** *** *** Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not *** *** contain the required information. Contact the group that *** *** provided you with these symbols if you need this command to *** *** work. *** *** *** *** Type referenced: nt!_MMPTE *** *** *** ************************************************************************* ************************************************************************* *** *** *** *** *** Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger *** *** doesn't have full symbol information. Unqualified symbol *** *** resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a *** *** fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution *** *** of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that *** *** enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol *** *** server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to *** *** appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect *** *** symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down. *** *** *** *** For some commands to work properly, your symbol path *** *** must point to .pdb files that have full type information. *** *** *** *** Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not *** *** contain the required information. Contact the group that *** *** provided you with these symbols if you need this command to *** *** work. *** *** *** *** Type referenced: nt!_KPRCB *** *** *** ************************************************************************* ************************************************************************* *** *** *** *** *** Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger *** *** doesn't have full symbol information. Unqualified symbol *** *** resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a *** *** fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution *** *** of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that *** *** enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol *** *** server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to *** *** appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect *** *** symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down. *** *** *** *** For some commands to work properly, your symbol path *** *** must point to .pdb files that have full type information. *** *** *** *** Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not *** *** contain the required information. Contact the group that *** *** provided you with these symbols if you need this command to *** *** work. *** *** *** *** Type referenced: nt!_KPRCB *** *** *** ************************************************************************* Probably caused by : atikmpag.sys ( atikmpag+ccac ) Followup: MachineOwner --------- 0: kd> !analyze -v ******************************************************************************* * * * Bugcheck Analysis * * * ******************************************************************************* VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE (116) Attempt to reset the display driver and recover from timeout failed. Arguments: Arg1: fffffa800e914010, Optional pointer to internal TDR recovery context (TDR_RECOVERY_CONTEXT). Arg2: fffff88003d35cac, The pointer into responsible device driver module (e.g. owner tag). Arg3: 0000000000000000, Optional error code (NTSTATUS) of the last failed operation. Arg4: 0000000000000002, Optional internal context dependent data. Debugging Details: ------------------ ************************************************************************* *** *** *** *** *** Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger *** *** doesn't have full symbol information. Unqualified symbol *** *** resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a *** *** fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution *** *** of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that *** *** enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol *** *** server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to *** *** appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect *** *** symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down. *** *** *** *** For some commands to work properly, your symbol path *** *** must point to .pdb files that have full type information. *** *** *** *** Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not *** *** contain the required information. Contact the group that *** *** provided you with these symbols if you need this command to *** *** work. *** *** *** *** Type referenced: nt!_KPRCB *** *** *** ************************************************************************* ************************************************************************* *** *** *** *** *** Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger *** *** doesn't have full symbol information. Unqualified symbol *** *** resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a *** *** fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution *** *** of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that *** *** enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol *** *** server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to *** *** appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect *** *** symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down. *** *** *** *** For some commands to work properly, your symbol path *** *** must point to .pdb files that have full type information. *** *** *** *** Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not *** *** contain the required information. Contact the group that *** *** provided you with these symbols if you need this command to *** *** work. *** *** *** *** Type referenced: nt!_KPRCB *** *** *** ************************************************************************* ************************************************************************* *** *** *** *** *** Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger *** *** doesn't have full symbol information. Unqualified symbol *** *** resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a *** *** fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution *** *** of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that *** *** enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol *** *** server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to *** *** appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect *** *** symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down. *** *** *** *** For some commands to work properly, your symbol path *** *** must point to .pdb files that have full type information. *** *** *** *** Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not *** *** contain the required information. Contact the group that *** *** provided you with these symbols if you need this command to *** *** work. *** *** *** *** Type referenced: nt!_KPRCB *** *** *** ************************************************************************* ************************************************************************* *** *** *** *** *** Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger *** *** doesn't have full symbol information. Unqualified symbol *** *** resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a *** *** fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution *** *** of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that *** *** enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol *** *** server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to *** *** appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect *** *** symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down. *** *** *** *** For some commands to work properly, your symbol path *** *** must point to .pdb files that have full type information. *** *** *** *** Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not *** *** contain the required information. Contact the group that *** *** provided you with these symbols if you need this command to *** *** work. *** *** *** *** Type referenced: nt!_KTHREAD *** *** *** ************************************************************************* ************************************************************************* *** *** *** *** *** Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger *** *** doesn't have full symbol information. Unqualified symbol *** *** resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a *** *** fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution *** *** of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that *** *** enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol *** *** server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to *** *** appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect *** *** symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down. *** *** *** *** For some commands to work properly, your symbol path *** *** must point to .pdb files that have full type information. *** *** *** *** Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not *** *** contain the required information. Contact the group that *** *** provided you with these symbols if you need this command to *** *** work. *** *** *** *** Type referenced: nt!_MMPTE *** *** *** ************************************************************************* ************************************************************************* *** *** *** *** *** Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger *** *** doesn't have full symbol information. Unqualified symbol *** *** resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a *** *** fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution *** *** of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that *** *** enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol *** *** server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to *** *** appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect *** *** symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down. *** *** *** *** For some commands to work properly, your symbol path *** *** must point to .pdb files that have full type information. *** *** *** *** Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not *** *** contain the required information. Contact the group that *** *** provided you with these symbols if you need this command to *** *** work. *** *** *** *** Type referenced: nt!_MMPTE *** *** *** ************************************************************************* ************************************************************************* *** *** *** *** *** Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger *** *** doesn't have full symbol information. Unqualified symbol *** *** resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a *** *** fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution *** *** of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that *** *** enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol *** *** server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to *** *** appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect *** *** symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down. *** *** *** *** For some commands to work properly, your symbol path *** *** must point to .pdb files that have full type information. *** *** *** *** Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not *** *** contain the required information. Contact the group that *** *** provided you with these symbols if you need this command to *** *** work. *** *** *** *** Type referenced: nt!_KPRCB *** *** *** ************************************************************************* ************************************************************************* *** *** *** *** *** Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger *** *** doesn't have full symbol information. Unqualified symbol *** *** resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a *** *** fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution *** *** of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that *** *** enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol *** *** server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to *** *** appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect *** *** symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down. *** *** *** *** For some commands to work properly, your symbol path *** *** must point to .pdb files that have full type information. *** *** *** *** Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not *** *** contain the required information. Contact the group that *** *** provided you with these symbols if you need this command to *** *** work. *** *** *** *** Type referenced: nt!_KPRCB *** *** *** ************************************************************************* SYSTEM_SKU: To be filled by O.E.M. SYSTEM_VERSION: To be filled by O.E.M. BIOS_DATE: 02/04/2013 BASEBOARD_PRODUCT: 990XA-UD3 BASEBOARD_VERSION: x.x BUGCHECK_P1: fffffa800e914010 BUGCHECK_P2: fffff88003d35cac BUGCHECK_P3: 0 BUGCHECK_P4: 2 FAULTING_IP: atikmpag+ccac fffff880`03d35cac 4883ec28 sub rsp,28h DEFAULT_BUCKET_ID: GRAPHICS_DRIVER_TDR_FAULT CPU_COUNT: 8 CPU_MHZ: dbc CPU_VENDOR: AuthenticAMD CPU_FAMILY: 15 CPU_MODEL: 2 CPU_STEPPING: 0 CUSTOMER_CRASH_COUNT: 1 BUGCHECK_STR: 0x116 CURRENT_IRQL: 0 ANALYSIS_VERSION: 10.0.10240.9 amd64fre STACK_TEXT: fffff880`02e81888 fffff880`03f0c134 : 00000000`00000116 fffffa80`0e914010 fffff880`03d35cac 00000000`00000000 : nt!KeBugCheckEx fffff880`02e81890 fffff880`03f0be3e : fffff880`03d35cac fffffa80`0e914010 fffffa80`0e1f9d50 fffffa80`0dbc4010 : dxgkrnl!TdrBugcheckOnTimeout+0xec fffff880`02e818d0 fffff880`03fb3f13 : fffffa80`0e914010 00000000`00000000 fffffa80`0e1f9d50 fffffa80`0dbc4010 : dxgkrnl!TdrIsRecoveryRequired+0x1a2 fffff880`02e81900 fffff880`03fddcf1 : 00000000`ffffffff 00000000`000002d5 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000002 : dxgmms1!VidSchiReportHwHang+0x40b fffff880`02e819e0 fffff880`03fdc437 : 00000000`00000102 00000000`00000000 00000000`000002d5 00000000`00000000 : dxgmms1!VidSchiCheckHwProgress+0x71 fffff880`02e81a10 fffff880`03faf2d2 : ffffffff`ffb3b4c0 fffffa80`0dbc4010 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : dxgmms1!VidSchiWaitForSchedulerEvents+0x1fb fffff880`02e81ab0 fffff880`03fdbff6 : 00000000`00000000 fffffa80`0e1f9d50 00000000`00000080 fffffa80`0dbc4010 : dxgmms1!VidSchiScheduleCommandToRun+0x1da fffff880`02e81bc0 fffff800`02f158e2 : 00000000`026c2e54 fffffa80`0e126b50 fffffa80`0cd4d870 fffffa80`0e126b50 : dxgmms1!VidSchiWorkerThread+0xba fffff880`02e81c00 fffff800`02c6df46 : fffff800`02dfce80 fffffa80`0e126b50 fffff800`02e0acc0 00000000`00000000 : nt!PspSystemThreadStartup+0x5a fffff880`02e81c40 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KxStartSystemThread+0x16 STACK_COMMAND: kb FOLLOWUP_IP: atikmpag+ccac fffff880`03d35cac 4883ec28 sub rsp,28h SYMBOL_NAME: atikmpag+ccac FOLLOWUP_NAME: MachineOwner MODULE_NAME: atikmpag IMAGE_NAME: atikmpag.sys DEBUG_FLR_IMAGE_TIMESTAMP: 55c01884 FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: X64_0x116_IMAGE_atikmpag.sys BUCKET_ID: X64_0x116_IMAGE_atikmpag.sys PRIMARY_PROBLEM_CLASS: X64_0x116_IMAGE_atikmpag.sys ANALYSIS_SOURCE: KM FAILURE_ID_HASH_STRING: km:x64_0x116_image_atikmpag.sys FAILURE_ID_HASH: {83e844bc-fe68-2042-4230-7f5d3e90b48a} Followup: MachineOwner --------- 0: kd> lmvm atikmpag Browse full module list start end module name fffff880`03d29000 fffff880`03dd1000 atikmpag T (no symbols) Loaded symbol image file: atikmpag.sys Image path: \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\atikmpag.sys Image name: atikmpag.sys Browse all global symbols functions data Timestamp: Tue Aug 04 04:42:28 2015 (55C01884) CheckSum: 000AF3B6 ImageSize: 000A8000 Translations: 0000.04b0 0000.04e4 0409.04b0 0409.04e4
Valitettavasti HDMI kaapelini sanoi itsenä irti, joten en saa ihan vielä tuota MEMORY tiedostoa ladattua, mutta eiköhän huomenna pitäisi pystyä lataamaan. Kokoakin taisi olla jotain 300+ Mt, joten laitan varmaan omaan Dropboxiin. Jimmsille on laitettu viestiä asiasta, joten sitä odotellessa. Mitä noiden symbolien häiriöt voisi tarkoittaa? Kiitokset vastauksesta!
Anteeksi tuplat, mutta tuo MEMORY.DMP on nyt saatavilla: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9dh1qbhnxea2mud/Dump.rar?dl=0 Pistän alkuviikosta paketin takaisin Jimmsille päin.
En valitettavasti osaa sanoa mitä ne ilmotukset symboleista tarkottaa. Pitäis joskus paneutua noihin enemmän mutta se vaatii aika ja nyt ei oikein jaksa No jokatapauksessa noissa aikaisemmissa ja tuoosa MEMORY .DMP:sä kaikissa oli sama. Ajuri on atikmpag.sys. BugCheck koodi on kahdessa dmp:ssä 116 ja muissa 117 Syy on sama kaikissa "VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE (116) Attempt to reset the display driver and recover from timeout failed" Bug Check 0x116 Bug Check 0x117 Vaika koodi vaihtuikin ja ongelman kuvauksesa on vähän eroa ongelma on sama. Alla vielä esimerkkinä dmp. samalla virheellä ilman ongelmia symbolien kanssa. Siinä toi BugCheck koodin numero on 141. mutta sama ongelma kyseessä. Code: ************* Symbol Path validation summary ************** Response Time (ms) Location Deferred SRV*C:\Windows\symbol_cache*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols Symbol search path is: SRV*C:\Windows\symbol_cache*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols Executable search path is: No .natvis files found at C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64\Visualizers. Windows 10 Kernel Version 10240 MP (4 procs) Free x64 Product: WinNt, suite: TerminalServer SingleUserTS Personal Built by: 10240.16393.amd64fre.th1_st1.150717-1719 Machine Name: Kernel base = 0xfffff803`fe68e000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0xfffff803`fe9b3030 Debug session time: Thu Jul 30 13:00:15.652 2015 (UTC + 3:00) System Uptime: 0 days 18:04:42.375 Loading Kernel Symbols . Press ctrl-c (cdb, kd, ntsd) or ctrl-break (windbg) to abort symbol loads that take too long. Run !sym noisy before .reload to track down problems loading symbols. .............................................................. ................................................................ .............................................. Loading User Symbols Mini Kernel Dump does not contain unloaded driver list ******************************************************************************* * * * Bugcheck Analysis * * * ******************************************************************************* Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information. BugCheck 141, {ffffe001cbb88010, fffff8013809ccec, 0, 137c} Unable to load image atikmpag.sys, Win32 error 0n2 *** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for atikmpag.sys *** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for atikmpag.sys Probably caused by : atikmpag.sys ( atikmpag+ccec ) Followup: MachineOwner --------- 3: kd> !analyze -v ******************************************************************************* * * * Bugcheck Analysis * * * ******************************************************************************* VIDEO_ENGINE_TIMEOUT_DETECTED (141) One of the the display engines failed to respond in timely fashion. (This code can never be used for a real bugcheck.) Arguments: Arg1: ffffe001cbb88010, Optional pointer to internal TDR recovery context (TDR_RECOVERY_CONTEXT). Arg2: fffff8013809ccec, The pointer into responsible device driver module (e.g owner tag). Arg3: 0000000000000000, The secondary driver specific bucketing key. Arg4: 000000000000137c, Optional internal context dependent data. Debugging Details: ------------------ BUGCHECK_P1: ffffe001cbb88010 BUGCHECK_P2: fffff8013809ccec BUGCHECK_P3: 0 BUGCHECK_P4: 137c FAULTING_IP: atikmpag+ccec fffff801`3809ccec ?? ??? DEFAULT_BUCKET_ID: GRAPHICS_DRIVER_ENGINE_TIMEOUT TAG_NOT_DEFINED_202b: *** Unknown TAG in analysis list 202b CPU_COUNT: 4 CPU_MHZ: e28 CPU_VENDOR: AuthenticAMD CPU_FAMILY: 15 CPU_MODEL: 1 CPU_STEPPING: 2 BUGCHECK_STR: 0x141 PROCESS_NAME: System CURRENT_IRQL: 0 ANALYSIS_VERSION: 10.0.10240.9 amd64fre STACK_TEXT: ffffd001`bfee6490 fffff801`36c72641 : ffffe001`cbb88010 ffffd001`bfee6630 ffffe001`c7843000 ffffe001`ce397010 : watchdog!WdDbgReportRecreate+0x104 ffffd001`bfee64e0 fffff801`38ac9e5c : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ffffe001`c7845000 ffffe001`c7845000 : dxgkrnl!TdrUpdateDbgReport+0xe1 ffffd001`bfee6530 fffff801`38b26e3c : ffffe001`c7845000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000001 00000000`00000001 : dxgmms2!VidSchiResetEngine+0x63c ffffd001`bfee6810 fffff801`38b2a0f4 : 00000000`00000000 ffffd001`bfee6920 00000000`00000001 00000000`00000000 : dxgmms2!VidSchiResetEngines+0x84 ffffd001`bfee6850 fffff801`38b279fe : ffffe001`c7845000 ffffd001`00000102 ffffd001`bfee6b00 00000000`00000004 : dxgmms2!VidSchWaitForCompletionEvent+0x3d4 ffffd001`bfee68e0 fffff801`38ac5f87 : ffffe001`c7843000 00000000`00000000 ffffe001`c7843790 ffffe001`c78459a0 : dxgmms2!VidSchiWaitForCompletePreemption+0x7e ffffd001`bfee69d0 fffff801`38abcbc7 : ffffe001`c7843000 ffffe001`c7843000 00000000`00000004 ffffe001`c6158910 : dxgmms2!VidSchiCompletePreemption+0x13 ffffd001`bfee6a00 fffff801`38af3363 : ffffe001`c7843000 ffffd001`bfee6bc8 ffffe001`c88c2870 ffffe001`00000000 : dxgmms2!VidSchiScheduleCommandToRun+0x72c7 ffffd001`bfee6b90 fffff801`38af3340 : ffffe001`c7843000 00000000`00000000 ffffe001`c58f6840 ffffe001`c58f6800 : dxgmms2!VidSchiRun_PriorityTable+0x1f ffffd001`bfee6bc0 fffff803`fe773698 : ffffe001`c58f6840 ffffd001`bfee6c90 ffffd001`bc9ce180 fffff803`fe7e0230 : dxgmms2!VidSchiWorkerThread+0x80 ffffd001`bfee6c00 fffff803`fe7e0306 : ffffd001`bc9ce180 ffffe001`c7844840 ffffd001`bc9dabc0 8e00001f`40000000 : nt!PspSystemThreadStartup+0x58 ffffd001`bfee6c60 00000000`00000000 : ffffd001`bfee7000 ffffd001`bfee1000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiStartSystemThread+0x16 STACK_COMMAND: kb FOLLOWUP_IP: atikmpag+ccec fffff801`3809ccec ?? ??? SYMBOL_NAME: atikmpag+ccec FOLLOWUP_NAME: MachineOwner MODULE_NAME: atikmpag IMAGE_NAME: atikmpag.sys DEBUG_FLR_IMAGE_TIMESTAMP: 5588b21b FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: LKD_0x141_IMAGE_atikmpag.sys BUCKET_ID: LKD_0x141_IMAGE_atikmpag.sys PRIMARY_PROBLEM_CLASS: LKD_0x141_IMAGE_atikmpag.sys ANALYSIS_SOURCE: KM FAILURE_ID_HASH_STRING: km:lkd_0x141_image_atikmpag.sys FAILURE_ID_HASH: {c4561d61-ffbc-583d-5e1a-6fd6e42466ee} Followup: MachineOwner --------- 3: kd> lmvm atikmpag Browse full module list start end module name fffff801`38090000 fffff801`38138000 atikmpag T (no symbols) Loaded symbol image file: atikmpag.sys Image path: atikmpag.sys Image name: atikmpag.sys Browse all global symbols functions data Timestamp: Tue Jun 23 04:10:51 2015 (5588B21B) CheckSum: 000AA93B ImageSize: 000A8000 Translations: 0000.04b0 0000.04e4 0409.04b0 0409.04e4 Mini Kernel Dump does not contain unloaded driver list
Okei, Jimms sai tänään paketin vastaan ja lähetti jo samantien viestiä uudesta kortista. Eli korvaavana tuotteena tulisi sitten tämä: http://www.jimms.fi/tuote/R9-390P-8DF6 Kiitokset kaikille avusta ja myös Jimmsin nopeasta toiminnasta!