ATI TV Wonder Pro

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by vegala, Feb 3, 2006.

  1. vegala

    vegala Guest

    Hi all,
    i've just set this device up on my PC, installed all the latest drivers and Software from the ATI site but cannot find anymore then two channals using the Cable TV wire/cable. I have tried using composite leads from the Comcast Cable box and they work fine however you are at the mercy of the comcast channal changer and you cannot schedule recordings using the composite cables.
    The autoscan will only pick up two channals and I brought a new Coaxial cable so that it will reach from the Cable box to my PC so I don't think the problem lies there, |I also tested another coaxial just to be sure... no joy !!
    Does anyone have this card and use the Comcast service, if so can you offer any advice.
    I have Windows XP Media Center 2005. Service pack 2.

  2. metalsign

    metalsign Member

    Nov 26, 2005
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    If you are using a coax cable directly from the cable box into the ATI, you should only get input on channel 3 or 4. If you want direct TV into the computer, you need to run a separate coax with basic cable service into the computer. If you want to record from the cable box, you really only have the 2 solutions you've already come up with. Your cable box is acting as the 1st tuner and the ATI cannot act as a 2nd inline tuner.

    Good luck.

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