Hi there, I am going to buy the ATI X800 XT later this year and I was wondering how I can find out whether my motherboard is compatible with PCI express. I would give you the model name of the motherboard except I'm at school in an IT lesson. If anyone could shed some light on this that'd be great.
Really do need specs but I'll assume the card in question is 8xAGP so you will need to check mobo for that and consider your PSU as well coz the 1.5v cards eat power. Frosty
It would be nice to know about your motherboard or even what graphics card is now installed. But if you haven't upgraded your mobo recently or you have an amd prosessor it's very unlikely that you have pci-e in your mobo. There are also AGP versions out for x800 as frostbite mentioned. Your mobo's manufacturers site will most likey give you the answer too.