I have plextor 24/10/40A and XPpro I bought Roxio Easy CD Creator Basic v5.3 and Ativa 52x gold top cd-rs. No dice. Plextor says there's no cd-r in the drive. Roxio says that it's an improper disc. Both Plextor and Roxio are somewhat elderly soft and hardware I think, in dog years. Why doesn't this work? rsvp iw
I suspect you might need to update your firmware. Even though I would love to blame that piece of sh1t software I can't. It is a hardware-media thing. CDs ought to be real easy unless they have a new wrinkle. Roxio is sooooo bad they had to change its name to Sonic to be able to continue to sell the garbage.
Well, I bought Roxio because Plextor wouldn't recognize the ativa cd-r. But that didn't help. The drive opens and closes normally and the computer recognizes it as a cd-rw drive. It CAN read some music cds, though not all. I put a highly professional music cd by Readers' Digest in the drive. Now I'm sure that Readers' Digest titles the tunes, but Plextor presents them as only numbered tracks. However, they do play beautifully. I tried one data cd, a book, it whirred and clicked but couldn't open it. Firmware you say? I will search for that. If you have any other recommendations please let me know and I thank you very much for this clue. iw
The track titles are rarely on CDs. The player gets that info from an internet database. The CD is not in the database so you only get track numbers. Here is where you would find your firm ware upgrade. http://www.plextor.com/English/support/support_downloads.html#firm The other solution is buy some other CD blanks.