Hello everyone! ----------------------------------- Näin ihan alkuun vain pahoittelen, kun tämä postaus on englanninkielinen, mutta toivottavasti ihmiset osaavat englantia. Mikäli ongelmia tulee niin ottakaa yhteyttä! ----------------------------------- Everyone seems to have fps problems still nowadays. Also some players like to play with a good and stable fps config. I've made a config which gives the best damn fps ever for most of the players. ----------------------------------- You can download it from: http://www.garde.fi/~atza/Stuff/Config/Atzacfg.rar http://www.themipc.org/~atza/config/Atzacfg.rar http://www.sk-gaming.com/member/atza ----------------------------------- Remember to read the installation guide first if you're having a problem to install these configs cleanly. This packet includes fps config, my personal configs, couple of colored HUDs, two different style of menus, five deathnotices fix and scoreboard fix too. Also I've uploaded a tweaked version of dxsupport.cfg which gives extra fps for some users. Also the packed includes now Peliliiga-CSS GUI which I've made for the Peliliiga finnish gaming organisation that hosts major finnish LAN tournaments. ----------------------------------- How to personalize my fpsconfig for your own use? #1 AMD CPU users should remove "//" in front of //r_3dnow "1" to enable this command. It gives you some extra fps if you have AMD CPU. #2 Change texture quality. The command what you have to change is mat_picmip. mat_picmip "0" = high quality mat_picmip "1" = medium quality mat_picmip "2" = low quality #3 To enable decals you have to change r_decal_cullsize from "9999" to "0". Then you have to change r_decals from "0" to "30" and mp_decals from "0" to "30" for example. You can freely add less or more decals if you want to. #4 If you want to use high sound quality change snd_pitchquality from "0" to "1" and dsp_slow_cpu from "1" to "0". You can delete all the sound settings and put your own sound settings into autoexec.cfg if you want to. #5 If you want to download maps automatically from the server you have to change cl_allowdownload from "0" to "1" and change cl_downloadfilter from "none" to "nosounds". #6 Sometimes if you are having errors or something strange try to solve it with changing datacachesize from "128" to "64". If that doesn't help use the default value datacachesize "32". #7 Change crosshaircolor, crosshairsize, dynamiccrosshair, righthand, sensitivity, volume, ragdolls, fps_max etc. settings to match your personal settings. #8 You can try to change mat_parallaxmap from "0" to "1". It makes textures a little bit more smoother and this helps sometimes to spot enemies better. #9 You can add r_fastzreject "1" command into autoexec.cfg. It might help you to get more fps. #10 Edit shadows. To disable shadows use these commands: r_shadowmaxrendered "0" r_shadowrendertotexture "0" r_shadows "0" To enable shadows use these commands: r_shadowmaxrendered "9" (the amount of shadows to be rendered) r_shadowrendertotexture "1" r_shadows "1" #11 Add antialiasing and forceaniso. To add antialiasing you have to change the value of mat_antialias and to add forceaniso you have to change the value of mat_forceaniso. mat_antialias values are from 0 to 8. mat_forceaniso values are from 0 to 16. #12 You can also try to change these commands: cl_phys_props_max from "50" to "0" r_maxdlights from "32" to "0" r_lightaverage from "1" to "0" r_worldlightmin from "0.0002" to "0" r_worldlights from "1" to "0" (some textures could be shiny after editing this command) Remember that these "tweak" commands might not work for all users to help them to get more fps. #13 Edit connection settings. If it seems that you can't hit the enemies then you have to edit connection settings. Lower rate from "100000" to "50000" or "40000" first. Then try rate "25000" or something like that. Other rates should be fine. You can also try to edit cl_lagcomp_errorcheck from "1" to "0" which works better for some users. #14 Edit smooth settings. If you want to enable smooth change cl_smooth from "0" to "1" and edit cl_smoothtime value. Good cl_smoothtime values are: cl_smoothtime "0.01" cl_smoothtime "0.1" #15 If you want you can edit freely some other settings too if you want. ----------------------------------- Feel free to give some credit and ask for help. Flamers can burn in hell.